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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Girls apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well..It all started around September/October during junior year of HS….I went to a few sweet 16’s and got to meet and hang out with a bunch of girls that all went to the same all girl school together….A few weeks went by and I’m sitting at home browsing away on my computer….and some random SN had IMed me…Surprise surprise it was one of the girls that i had met at those parties…She seemed a bit out there at first…In fact I knew she was haha…well we got to talking…it was all friendly in the beginning….she had literally IMed me about every night….LITERALLY….I don’t think a day went by that we didnt talk at night…..so about a month later…i get a friendly tip from someone that apparently this chick likes me…..so whatever…me being the suave individual that i am chose to play it cool and act like i didnt know shit yet….so we kept talkin and blah blah blah…one week….i was invited to go hang out with her and her friends in the city on that friday….so i said what the hell…why not…we ended up hanging out at her friends apartment…watched tv….then went to some run down diner…had some dinner….wutever….its prob about 1230AM now on a friday night/ sat morning…me and her had just left her friends and we’re walking around central park just chatting and what not….we decided to sit down and talk….she decided to tell me she liked me….and ended up kissing me haha…..we probably made out for a good half hour on that park bench…pretty fun stuff….considering im only 16 hahaha….welll that night ended….im still kinda on the fence about what i think of the girl…i still didnt feel like i liked the girl yet so i just went with the flow….its prob about jan/feb now….and her feelings for me gets pretty serious haha…..we stilll hang out here and there…..nothing reallly serious….she decides to tell me that she LOVES me….haha i dont know what to think now….i mean…shit…i dont even know if i like the girl or not and this bitch is telling me that she loves me….crazy shit…so me being the smart guy that i am decided to pull away before shit got too thick…we kept talking and being friendly….a couple more months went by…..summer time came along….and i started to like the girl a little bit….the question of sex was raised….we both were still virgins at the time….lolol had we both though about it?…DUH YES…haha….so i dont remember the exact date…but i wanna say August 16th…she tells me to come over to her apartment for the day…her mom works all day and her dad had already passed away so she obviously has the apartment to herself….lolol i got there at about 10am…I swear on my life…We did just about everything imaginable the entire day except have sex haha…..you name it…head, handjobs, toungue action…wutever u can think of….we kept contemplating whether it was a good idea or not….and finally at about 4pm that day….i literally remember saying to myself….fuck it….its time hahahaha….i had her up against the waallll…and we were making outtt while she was playing wtih me downstairs haha….then i threw her onto her moms bed….and sealed the deal…lets just say…it was pretty fucking sweet….. i got home that night feeling like a million bucks….that night she callls me…..tells me to go back to her apt the nexxt day….lolol im no fool to tuen down sex….i went back….she rode me like an animal….pretty fuckin sweet….i believe we banged 3 times that day…..my dick was ready to fall off at the end of the day….jesus christ….i love sex lolol…..now…. i havnt spoken to the chick in about 4yrs now cuz she lost her mind and got crazy with me so i had to let her go…as for me…..i’ve had sex with 4 other girls since then…so i’m doing ok ahahaha….

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