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oh yeah

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: gf house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

it all started with my gf. she was very horny nd so was i so I AsKED HER DID sHE wANNA DO IT and gues wat she said yeah.so i asked my step dad 4 some rubbers nd then he said wat do u have planned 4 this evening? and then i said nuffin special leaving with a smile. so then me and my gf met up at her place nd she gave me the best lapdance ever.then we did some 4play and got rite down 2 it. she lead me into her it felt amasing she was really wet.i coud tell that she was in pain so i stopped but she told me to keep going.
then she started crying and her
face was red. so immediately stopped bcuz i hate seeing my boo in pain and we took a lil break then
and continued but this time it was different. she wasnt crying and she wasnt in pain. she was enjoying it and she said i mite be 2 big 4 her so then she started moaning in enjoyment. she then wrapped her legs around me so then i started going faster. now let me tell you this she was moaning and groaning like no tommorow. then i orgasmed nd that was it we cuddle and held each there 4 a while.but i couldnt believe i lasted atleast 45 mins. i waz so happy with my self.we are still together nd we are about to go to high school next year. oh yeah!!!

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