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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: In my bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

Okayy so you might think that at 13 I am a bit young to have had sex but it was an accident but the best time of my LIFE! I was laid in my bedroom with my boyfriend just chilling out we started kissing he slowly unbuttoned my school shirt and felt my boobs itfelt so good! We layed across the bed I started to rub his cock under his jeans I striped all he could say was wow! He striped too i didn’t really know what to do! Well at least my parents aren’t here I thought!! He asked me too lay on my back I did and he will lay with his face on my bum rub or suck my cock – so i did whislt he licked and fingered my vagina he couldn’t resist and cumed ohhell did it taste good! He turned around we s ogged as he slowly placed his straiight cock into my small vagina . At first he slowly started to hump me I moaned so loud I thought the neighbours might of heard it! He got faster and fasteri had an orgasm so did he! We stopped about an hour later. We got back changed and sat in silence staring at each other my parents returned and asked of we had got much revision done yes we both replied and smiled at each other. That was my first experience it was so good! We are still together and have done it many more times x I hope your first time is just as special xx

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience