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older the better

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: her home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

i dont know how to start…….its sounds bullshit….but what ever it is ,is up to u to believe or no……well it all began when i went to disco(modesto’s kl) with my aunt.she is in her late 20’s, she is saperated with her husband but she .so that nite ,we both were a bit drunk so i decided not to go home cos my body is full of beer smell so i stay over nite in her house(p.j)…..cos before this also she did gave a hinting sign for me to fuck her……..so that nite was perfect….so as i reach her room ,i sleep at the floor and she sleep up…..then she ask me that wether i wanted to have sex with her….she said yhis is a secret between both of us…..so i happily agreed…..so i went to her bed and kiss her ,touch her breast,lick her pussy as she suck mine…..then i began to fuck her….as hard as i could…..i fuck her like animal……so that nite we made love/sex like a married couple…..so the next day she fetch me home………and ill go over to her house every weekend with the excuse to work in her office the next day ……but actually to work hard on her wet pussy……and this has been going till now….and i think ppl will never find out……I love ya’ ,aunty V…:P

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