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Oliver clothesoff

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

One day I was wackin it. Then that was when all he’ll broke loose . I wacked it so hard that some of my foreskin riped off into my hand. It wasso painful so I went to my girls house to show her. She was flabbergasted and if she were a dude I bet she would have had a boner. But she is a girl so she had no boner instead she was naked as was I. So here I am with abloody peepee. And I Hess she was very Horney and sucked my cock. Unfortunately my cockhead was hanging by a tendon so it ripped off when she started to suck. Of course she swallowed my whole cockhead like any normal person would have done in this situation. But then she was feelin freaky so she asked me to pee on her face. I was more than happy to take a leak on her face and treat it like I was watering a plant. But unfortunately I was missing my penis head. So I decided to give it a try anyway so I took the most bloddiest stinkiest nastiest pissy on her face. So by this point I am about to die from lack of blood but she said she wasn’t finished so she took a shit then mashed it on her ass saying for me to fuck her now lubricated ass. I was completely disgusted because I wasn’t sure about anal sex but she was very convincing so I bled her an anal period and jizzed blood in her butthole. She clenched my cheeks which caused me to asssplode all over the place because I hadn’t shit in a very long time. So then she laid there with her brown hair beautiful green eyes nice tight japanese/Irish body which happened to be covered in blood piss jizz shit and other nasty fluids. Right before I died though I used the nearby ball point pen to cut my dick off and shove in her pussy which she loved and squirted it out. As my balls rolled out of my dick socket I cried and died. Later my girl took advantage of my dead body and persued to use her handy dandy louiville slugger and used it as a dildo to fuck me in my crotch hole which she used on herself then ripped herself in half and died.I couldn’t remember everything from that night so I made some stuff up. But it’s still a true story the end.

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