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OMG!!!my gf is a nasty n discusting living things on planet

Age when it happend: 24
Where it happened: cherating, malaysia
Langauge: english but i'm malaysia
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

Ok here is the story. The character name is not real. My name is sya n i have a girl name siti. We couple up for 4 years. One day we going to holiday at cherating, malaysia.we have fucked alot b4 this. I noe she like rough n dirty sex coz she always watching extreme porn but i never do that to her. At the night time we going to club called little bali. My girl dont drinks. So i order coke for her. The side table after us got 2 old men sitting there. One oldman come sit at my table n order drinks n hav a chat with us. After a while the old man ask me to hav my gf. I loughed n say cannot. He said he willing to pay a lot but i said cannot.  then after that me n my gf  went to shop to eat. I asked my gf if they asked u, are u willing to get fucked?wat u will say. She said i will go. I shocked n asked her y? She said old men like rough n they will do anything to get young girls even lick girls asshole. I just silent n hav the food. The 2 old men come to the same shop n sit the same table with me. I just let them. They hav a chat with me n my gf. My gf dont even ask their name n straight away asked their age. Let make the A old man is 48 n B is 52. I noe she liked them even their face like shit. Then i tell her ok, u can fuck them. She said she will do it if i watching her. Eventough i dissapointed my gf like this, i just said ok. She asked the old men wat u will do.? The old men said they like rough n nasty sex. My gf said ok but only if they drink her pee n she can play with their asshole. The old men smiled n said ok.  After tat we going to their hotel. Tat time we got shocked coz got 2 more old men, one of them is black. Lets make the black guy is C n the other guy is D. C os 44 n D is 56. My girl asked them to undress. The old men just do it. They all are hairy n my girl said she like hairy. She undress too, only thing left is her bra n panties. She lie on the sofa n asked the old mans too lick all her body untill feet expect face. They do it. Then after 10minutes. They stopped n my gf ask wat u all want. The A tell her wanna make fuck n make her dirty, nasty, cry n pain. My gf asked me how. Eventough i pissed off, i said ok bcoz i wanna see the bitch cry.  they bring her to toilet n they pee on her face. D spit on her mouth n asked to drink pee. OMG she doing that n tat time i realize she is really a whore. Then i enjoy the show. All of them spit on her face n mouth. She like it. Then B start to slap her. It like watching porn for me coz only in porn like this. But they do it real. Then they bring her to sofa. Her bra n panties still wet with the pee. She said she wanna play with their assholes. The old mans just spread the leg. She started with B. OMG his asshole is hairy but my gf just lick it. She put her finger in n play. The A n D slapped her ass n face. She do it for all but when come to the black,C, he asked to lock his feet n she do it. The worse part is suddenly i donno where the hell is choclate coming from, he put it inside his asshole n asked her to suck it back. My gf said no. Then he took the choclate n rub it on his asshole. Then she lick it very clean.  then they pee back on her. They always spit on her face n mouth n she never spit out. She always swallow it. Then the C open her bra n tear out the panties. My gf got 36 sized breat n large nipple. They started to suck it. N they bite it too. My gf scream pain but she said she like it. The 2 things the old mans never stop doing r slap n spit on her. Then C started to lick her pussy. He sucked the pussy. My gf scream soft. I noe she like it coz i always do tat to her. Then he lick her asshole. One info about my gf asshole. It still virgin. B4 this her asshole never been fucked, only has been fingered.the comes the D. As long i c, the D os the nasty one after C. He fingerd my gf asshole. She pain n scream softly. Then he open wide her tight asshole n put the choclate then he lick it. At the same time,A fuck her mouth, B suck her breast(left side), C sucked the other breast n chocked n slapped her. The nasty part is D which licked my gf asshole with choc, spit the choc into my gf mouth n she swallow it.  Then they lie my gf on sofa with her face upside down. I noe they going to thoart fuck but i donno they will it so brutally. They fuck until she get vomit then fuck again n again. She got vomit for 7 times n they chocked n slapped her while fuck. She is crying but i not pitty her. They do it for about half an hour.  Then they spread her leg n fucked her. They took turn, one guy fucked her pussy, one guy mouth n the 2 others suck her breast n chocked n slapped her. Then C said wanna fuck her ass. My gf dont want coz his cock os the biggest among them. Then comes D spit on her asshole n put his finger in. She okay at start but he put 2 finger she screams but no body care but everybody didt do anything. Just watching the D plays. When he put his cock, my gf screams n she dont want. I went to the C n whisper in his ear just fuck it n hold her tightly. The C hold her tightly n A hold her leg, B close her mouth. That time she being raped. The D fucked her ass. She scream loud but bcoz B is closing her mouth, the sound is npt soo loud. She raped turnly by all of them. She cried a lot. Then they stopped for while. My gf was exshauted. She still crying n said she wanna go back. I do want. I wanna c she suffered. So i went to her n talk very nicely n sweetly. I said i liked to c u being fucked nasty n roughly. She smile at me and ask me wat else i wanna c.? I said i wanna c u dirty n being tortured nastyly. Then she said she willing to do anything i like. I said i like to c wat they r doing to u.  then she woke up n go to C n asked him to show his asshole. She took the choclate which been melt n put in his asshole deeply n she sucked it n eat it. Then i said to them do wat ever to her but dont hurt her a lot. I just said that bcoz i dont wanna her noe tat i hate her ready, then i said again do anything to her. Then all the fucking old men started to do their dirty job. They torture her. Like slapped n spit, chocked her, face fuck her, asked to lick their feet.  Then they stopped fucked her n they sit n drink beer with me. At that time they asked my gf licked their asshole turnly. She just do it. This time the D guy tell me he wanna do food sex. He asked want to do or not. She said asked me. I said just do it i wanna see wat is that. D bring apples, banana, choclate n bread. N he a glass. He eat the choc n apple together n he spit out on the floor. Then he tell her to eat it. She looked for a while then eat it. I feel like wanna vomit tat time. Then they asked to open her mouth. OMG. They eat the all things there n spit into her mouth. Somes are on her face n floor. At last the B pee in glass n ask her to drink. She just put the glass on mouth n let it flow out. I said baby drink it la. Then she said she dont wanna drinks others. A asked to pee in glass. I just pee n give it her. She drank it fully. Then she said she wanna this old men drink her pee. The five of them just lying on the floor n she pee on their face.  then they started to gangbang her hardly, wxtremely, nasty n dirty untill she puked so many times n all of her body covered with puke n their spit. These guys are so nasty until i cant see her. Its already 2 hours. Then they wanna finish it coz all of them are tried include my gf. A n B shoot at her face n mouth n she swallow it with their spit. Then comes D he fucked her again shoot on floor. He asked her to lick all of it. While she licked the cum. They all pee on her n spit on floor. She licked it also. Then they stopped. We hav the beer again n my gf said wanna take bath coz she is full of spit n puke.  after about 30 minutes she comes back n sit besides me with bra n panties. She said her ass very pain. I asked her why u didt do all this with me. She said i never asked b4. The old guys give Rm 5000 to my gf. She accepted it. Then D said he wanna give 5000 more if she do one more thing which is the dirties wan. My gf c me n asked. Tat time i just ok bcoz i dont care about her anymore. They brings her to toilet. They place her head up on toilet rim. They said they wanna puke on her. My gf thinking for while n say ok. Start with D he puked on her. I cant c it n i get out but i noe all of them puked on her. At last she called me in n i saw she is fully covered with puke. Then she said to me they wanna shit on her. I said i cant c it n i get out. Then i wait out side for about 1 hour. I noe they r doin it just i cant imagine. Then A coming out. I asked him the story n he tell me this story. They shit on her body n asked her to wipe their ass with toungue, but she said she cant but she clean using her finger then she lick it. Then at last she said she wanna shit on them. The A said cannot. The others all are in. She shit on all of them body. N they take her shit n wipe on her face with their shit still on her body. Then the D n C shit again on her but this time on her face. Damn i got a very nasty gf.my gf doing very2 nasty things just bcoz of money eventough it is big money, how she can do tat. Then after one week she bring one shemale n she said we do 3some. OMG. U noe after tat i also started do nasty things. I fucked the shemale(indian shemale, real name janaki for k.l-brickfields)  ass(with condom) n put inside my gf mouth. N both of them are nasty also. They pee n shit on each other. N u noe one thing my gf force me to shit on her also. But not on her body but on her face. I do it then she clean my asshole by licking it not by finger n she play the my shit with the shemale by swapping it all over the shemale until face also. Then she licked it or clean by swapping on her face or her breast. Now 3 months redy after the old man incident n we still doin the nasty sex with the shemale. The only thing i become the slave master n i dont play with shit n pee. Until now i cant believe i hav a nasty n discusting gf expecially in country like malaysia. So to all malaysian dont believe ur gf even she wearing tudung, sarry, or cheongsam bcoz there r good girl to u but they r bitches to foreigners.

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