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On a bed of roses

Where it happened: his water bed
Langauge: English
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

On a Bed of Roses

I had been set up with a guy, we seemed too diffrent for it to work, I feet 5 in. tall he feet 4 inches tall, so I came to about his armpit, not a good place to be but as time went on we got a lot closer, afer we had dated for around a year and a half(maby more) we relly started to talk about sex, where we would like to do it, when and how. I had told him that I wanted it to be romantic and and with the guy I loved. He just wanted it. We decided to wate, he said he loved me but other guys had said that too and not meant it, also we just didnt want to deal with the other problems that might come from this(later we were forsed to). A few months later he called me on the phone, he asked me if I had any plans for the day, I said no, and he asked if I wanted to come over, I told him I would love to, he told me that his car was in the shop and that my mom had to bring me I asked my mom if she would drop me off at his house, she said as long as his parents were home. Of course I lied and said they were, and she droped me off fifteen min. later in his drive way, and wated till I went inside. She had told me to meet her back at the courner in 4&1/2 hrs. As I shut the door I heard her drive away and thats when I notisded the candles, there were tuns of them long whight candels evreywhere, on the table, the banister and on the table next to the couch. I called out to Jimmy to see where he had gone to, he told me that he was up stairs and to follow the roses, I looked down and saw a trail of whight, yellow, pink, & red rose peddles in a small trail leading up the stairs. My heart started to thump faster and faster, I knew that this was what I wanted and how I wanted and who I wanted it to be dune with. I walked up the stairs hardly breathing when I reached his door, it was closed but the trail went into the room, I gently pushed open the door to see whight satin sheets coverd with rose peddles Jimmy was sitting in the corner of his room in a swivle chare he asked if I would like some music, I said yes and he put it on a station who played elavator music and he came and sat on the bed, he pated the place next to him we had made out before but this was serious I could feal myself poundign, and the blood flowing more rapidly now, I knew that I wanted him. Not only needed but needed him. As I took the seat he stood up and asked if he could lie next to me, I said yes and I layed down and he did after me we started to kiss, he roled ontop of me and started to take my shirt off, I could feal my nipples hardon at his beconing, I roled him off of me and pulled off my shirt (and braw afer a faled attempt from him to get it loose). He kissed my nipples and gently niped at them I could feal my self getting wetter and I asked him if he had dun this before and he said yes, I fealt my hart sink a little but it was to late now I had to have him. Especaly after he asked if I wanted to stop. I told him no and roled ontop of him and then off pulled off my pants and underwhare, by this time he had stood up and had taken off his pants and boxers (he whore no top) and was fondeling him self infrunt of me. I asked him if he had a condom, he replied yes and retreved one from the head bord, pulled it out of the pacageing and grabed a handfull of rose peddles, putting about six of them on his erect dick then slid the condome on, then he told me to scoot to the bottom of the bed, and to prop my legs on the rim of the bed I did so and asked what he was going to do, he said he was goiging to eat me till I came in his mouth but first he had to do somting he took the remaning rose peddles and pushed them in me and then procesend to eat me out, it didnt take long before the room started to spin and I knew that I had come alteast twice. I was burning for him I couldent stand it anymore, I pulled him up by his ears and pulled him ontop of me, he slid in and my whole body tensed arond his dick I could feal his movement inside of me. it was heven but afer a few moments I figured out that I would get more stimulation if I straddled him so I roled him over and rode him. It took only a few more moments of manuvering before he hit the “G” spot and my towes curled, it was fabulous,…… After that we went for sevral dfifrent posisions(about five) and then took a shower together. That of the best days of my life, after that we made love almost dayly. About six months later while we wre making love the condom broke and Jimmy was grate we talked about it, and decided that I would get an abortion, I was too yung and we didnt have any place to live or a stedy income, so he barowed the money from his father (I dont know if he knew what it was for or not) and we went to the planed paronthood office and filled out the paperwork and had the abortion dune.
We ended up braking up about a year later, but when he comes into town, and nither one of us has a partner we get together, and boy do we have fun. ps. I made it back in time so that my mom wouldnt suspect a thing.

I love ya Jimmy

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