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On the Bimah

Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: my bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well, Kelly and i had been flirting for a while,and our flirting was getting quite sexual, but in a joking way. We had already made out once but it was only for a few minutes. Anyway, we were flirting and we pretty much came to the conclusion that she should come over to my house and then we would fuck. She had already had sex once, but she wanted to forget it so we agreed that it could be both of our first times. So she came over, my folks and sis were thankfully out that day. We started making out in my bedroom and then off our clothes came. I started fingering her, with quite alot of energy and she was really getting into it. I then went down on her, which she fucking loved. After some more eating out and fingering, i put on a condom and stuck my cock inside of her. I thought i was going to fuck like a stallion, but thats not how it panned out. I didn’t go for very long, but either way i was a happy man. We continued to play with each other more and we fucked once more. That was about 2 weeks ago, and we haven’t fucked again yet, but she and i will fuck again, and hopefully i will be better and she will enjoy herself much more, not to say that she didn’t enjoy herself, but i could always perform better. I had to wait almost 22 years to get my first fuck, but the wait wasn’t in vain.

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