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on the ferris wheel

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: at a carnival
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So, first off. It all started a the cotton candy vending. I couldn’t help myself when i saw the one armed salesman(who was 56). I went nuts. We started talking and we hit it off. I even forgot to notice that he had one arm. So, he was on break in a hlaf hour, so told him that i would meet him at the ferris wheel. He showed up early waiting for me. So we decided to take a ride on the ferris wheel. Let’s just say that the ferris wheel wasnt the only thing i rode that night. Then it didnt take long before i started to remove my pants while caressing my breasts with his half arm, and the other on my breast, and rubbing my nipple. I could that he was experienced. So, we kept on going around a couple more times. Then, i sucked his wrinkled dick, you might think this is gross, but it tasted good (keeping in rememberance that he works with cotton candy). The great taste of old man cum in my mouth, he began to squirt it in my mouth while i was sucking that saggy thing dry. So, next i had him put it in me. But, he had to take his viagra just so it would go in. We went around again, but this time, we changed positions..instead we did it doggy-style in my anal hole. Oh my god, i have never been so pleasured in my life. It’s now been three years since that night. We have been seeing eachother every weekend since. We went to Canada and eloped. We have two sets of twin, zeus and waldo, modd and gertrude, and the wee one in my tummy. I hope that you get the pleasure of saggy balls everytime you eat cotton-candy at the carnival. I even remember the name of the ferris wheel… Saggy Johnson. I hope you enjoyed my story and make the ame mistake. The older the better. Quality over Quantity. Age over Matter. Love has NO age.

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