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One rainy day

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: garage hangout
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Me and Jordan had been friends for a long time. Well for a while I was mainly friends with his sister Kalee, but we eventually all got together and started to hang out ALL THE TIME. And then when Kalee moved out of town (as she was older then both of us) Nothing ever changed.
My parents let me use a garage on the other side of our property for hanging out, so me and Jordan would always meet and hang out there. WE didn’t have a very sexual relaionship, besides the occasional jokes and stuff, but we were always playfully comfortable with each other. He would sit on my lap to block the TV And lay down on me while I was laying on the couch, and I would always randomly tackle and tickle him, and we would always eventually just lay down and watch TV, our legs still tangled. I would shrink into his chest at scary movies and he would playfully tickle me to get my mind off of it. But that’s just how we were. He supported me in my writing, and I supported him in his art. We both dated other people, and we were cool with it, but recently I’d wondered if my feelings for him were stronger.
So one rainy night he said he was going to be late showing up, and I was just hanging out when my ex-bf Jasper showed up PO’d because I had broken up with him that day. He was yelling at me and all kinds of stuff, calling me a B**** and all that jazz. The reason that I had broken up with him was because he was ALWAYS trying to get me to do it with him, and he had eventually told his friends that he had finally gotten me into the sack. I was VERY ANGRY and broken up with him.
Then he got REALLY REALLY angry with I called him a ‘sex obsessed prick who was just upset because he finally found a girl who would never EVER do it with him.’
Now keep this in mind. I’m a little five foot blonde, 130 lbs, with not much muscle mass. He was a 6’2” football player who could bench twice my weight.
Well he got very angry and just stared at me. Even though I’m small, I’m not one to ever back down, even when the odds are ridiculously out of my favor.
“Well, we’ll just have to see about that wont we?” He asked me and I knew by the tone in his voice I was in BIG trouble. In one second he was on me, pushing me over the arm of the couch and laying on top of me. I tried to smack him off of me, but he easily swiped both of my tiny wrists out of the air with one hand and pinned them over my head.
He forced his mouth against mine and tried to undress me with his other hand. So I did the only thing I could think of doing while I was being forcibly frenched. I bit him.
He howled and reared up, and I laid a pretty good right hook on his jaw, but he snapped out of it quickly, slapping me HARD across the cheeek. I could taste blood in my mouth and could practically see stars. He took this as an advantage and got my jeans clean off and threw them to the floor before he leaned back on me.
But then I got my senses back and started shouting at him to get off of me, but then he put his hand over my mouth. Just then, the door opened. And Jordan walked in.
Now Jordan isn’t gangly in any way. 5’11”, 180 lbs, brown hair and glasses. He’s just a bit smaller and underestimated, but he can easily pick me up and carry me.
I screamed at him through the huge hand over my mouth, and I saw his eyes turn fiery, and I can honestly say I had nor have recently ever seen him so angry.
Jasper shouted at him to leave, but in a second he sprang at him. He grabbed him my the shoulders and ripped him off of me, throwing him against the wall. He ran over to him and grabbed him my the shirt and started kneeing him in the stomach, and then threw him one REALLY FREAKING good punch and knocked him clean on his butt. He leaned up, holding his nose and Jordan stood over him, pointing at the open door.
“Get the HELL out of here!” He screamed at him. “And if you go anywhere near her, or even THINK about touching her again, I swear I will kill you, you son of a b****!” He yelled. And he left. I heaved a sigh of relief as he shut the door behind him, and I heard his car start up and he took off down the dirt road.
Jordan stood there breathing heavy, and I was just sitting there, shrank against the back of the sofa, when he turned to me, and all the anger drained out of his eyes and he ran over to me, and scouped me into his arms. He cradled me as I cried into his chest, leaving my abandoned jeans still on the floor.
When I was done crying he put his finger beneath my chin and made me look up at him.
“Are you okay?” he asked me and I smiled as good as I could and leaned back to his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“I am now…” I muttered, and I felt his sigh, and he went to wrap his arms around me, but his hand landed on my bare thigh since my legs were curled up against me. I felt electricity zoom through me from his touch, but he yanked his hand away and apologized. I didn’t do anything for a while, but then I reached up and grabbed his hand, and brought it to my mouth, kissing it. He didn’t do anything, but I felt his breathing speed up. After a while I leaned up to look at him, and his eyes were on me. Then he pulled his hand away from mine and shook his head.
“You know… You don’t have to do this, Jenna. I know you’re thankful, but you don’t need to do anything to try and prove it…” He said, looking up at me. I shook my head.
“No, that’s not the way it is, Jordan-”
“Jenna… You’ve been through a tramatic experience right now.” He said and I smiled at the way he hesitated. He actually wanted me.
“Jordan, when he was trying to… You know. The first person I thought of… was you.” I said and his eyes were hesitant. “Jordan…. I realized that the only person I wanted in that way was… You.” I said and his eyes didn’t change. “Listen you should know by now that I play for keeps. You’ve been my best friend for forever, and it just sucks that this is what it took for me to realize that I want more. I want you.” I said, placing my hand on his cheek and I leaned up. My eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips and I saw his jaw clench and unclench. When our lips met, It literally felt like I was on fire. His hands slid across my back and behind my neck, pulling me closer to him until I was practically sitting on his lap. My hands riffled through is hair, and I wnted more and MORE of him. But then he pulled away.
“Jenna… Honestly, if you keep going like this… You’re gonna drive me crazy.” he said and I laughed at him.
“Good, that was what I was going for.” I said, leaning in to kiss him more, but he pulled away again.
“Seriously, you need to stop that. I eman…” He said, taking my hand in his pulling it from my neck. “You have no idea how many times I have imagined this happening, but… I cant let you do something you’ll regret later.” He said and my smile faded.
“You think I’ll regret it later?”
“Well, it’s just that… It’s your first time isn’t it?” he asked and I nodded. “But it’s not mine… Ad I don’t want you to give something away and regret it like I did.” He said and I smiled at him.
“Jordan, I’m not gonna regret it… I think… I think I love you. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile, and this… I don’t know. All I know is that I WANT you.” I said and his eyes closed, and his head leaned back.
“Dear lord! You have no idea how much I want to just completely maul you on this couch right now, but…” he started shaking his head. I leaned up, my hands on his chest, and I pressed my lips against his gently.
“Please, Jordan?” I begged him.
“OH, GOD!” He said and then leaned up and kissed me deeply, but then pulled away. “Are you SURE?”
In response I pulled his thin framed glasses from his beautiful eyes and sat them on the table next to the couch and then leaned back on the couch, pulling him to lay over me. He kissed me gently, his lips leaving my lips and trailing down my neck. I let out a moan as he nibbled on my collar bone. I leaned up, and he sat up with me, and I let my hands trail beneath his shirt and begin to pull it off of him and I threw it to the floor. He looked at me gently and then look to my shirt. His hands around my waist followed the bottom seam of my tank top and then he began to pull it up and I helped him pull it off, and it hit the floor quickly. His eyes looke dup and down my body, and his eyes widened a little bit when I reached around and went for the fastener of my bra. I’d never understood boys fascination with breasts, but I though I would appease him.
When my pink bra came off, he was diffenantly turned on, and I thought he would faint when I went for his belt buckle. Soon he was in his boxers and I could see just how turned on he was, and I was in my panties. he leaned me back down and kissed me deeper then anyone had ever kissed me before as my hands trailed up and down his back. He leaned down to my chest and began to kiss my breasts, and I couldn’t help but moan loudly as he began to suck on my nipples lightly. Then I felt his hand trace down my leg and then to my area, and he began to slip his hands beneath my pink panties, and he began to rub gently, making me moan loudly.
My hands were in his hair and pulling slightly when he took my undies off and then turned his lips back to mine. I felt him jumble with his boxers, trying to get them off, and when I heard them hit the floor, I thought I was going to have a heart attack, but I didn’t show it. If he thought I was in the least bit uncomfortable, he would stop and that was the last thing I wanted. Finally he pulled back and looked at me.
“Are you really really sure?” He asked me and I looked at him firmly. “Because you’re not the only one who’s playing for keeps here. I love you, Jenna…”
“I love you too… And I-I’m nervous, but… I defiantly want too.” I said and he smiled.
“I’ll be gentle I promise. If I hurt you, just tell me and I’ll stop.”
“That’s impossible, it’s supposed to hurt for a girl the first time. IF you stop I wont hit the pleasure part.” I said and he chuckled.
“It’s not to late to stop you know.” he said and I leaned up and kissed him furiously, leaning down to kiss him on the neck , and I heard him moan lightly.
“That enough of an answer?” I asked him and he nodded. “Then go for it.” he leaned down for his jeans and grbbed a safety condom from his wallet and slipped it on, and then turned to kissing me again.
Before I knew it there was a huge rush of pain, and I cried out, but when he asked me if I was okay, I told him to just keep going. And boy did he ever.
After a few seconds, huge waves of pleasure rushed over me as he began to go faster and faster, and we were both moaning loudly, and I was crying out his name, craving more and more of him. When I came I screamed in pleasure. He came pretty soon afterward and we laid there, breathing heavy.
“God, that’s exactly how I thought it would be.” He said and I laughed.
“Good, I wsas thinking the same thing.” I said and he chuckled, and then started tickling me lightly, but I brought my lips to his and even after we got minimally dressed, we laid there in each others arms, our legs tangled, and his arms around me, watching some dumb TV show. I never regretted it and I never will.
We’re married now, have been for four years, and I let him know each and every day that I never regretted that rainy night in that dinky little garage hangout.

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