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one specal night

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: peter's house in the shower
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I went to my mans house one night. He cooked me Kenya food. He know it drove me crazy when he feeds me. We started to drink. I said I have to pee. He asked me if I needed help I said YES. So we went in the bathroom he started the shower as I peed. He wiped me clean. I saw his dick was getting hard. So he sat on the edge of the tub. I undid his pants and took off his lepered spotted underware. I started sucking on his dick. With in moments he came in my mouth. because I have a toung ring and I know how to make my toung work magic. Then I said it was his turn to make me happy. He told me to set on the edge of the total and sped my legs. So i did . First he notes I shave my pussy. He started to kiss my pussy. then sucking and licking my pussy. I had my first orgasom. than we strated to take a shower. I told him to fuck me. I aso told him it was my first time. So his big black dick popped my cherry. now we have twins because of that night. I will never forget that night

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