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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: His place
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

Hey ya’ll, great stories….I really like em. Anyways…I guess I’ll tell you mine cause I’ve read all of yours….well, I was dating this guy for a couple weeks and then we became steady. We were moving things farely quickly and we felt really strongly about eachother so I was ok with it. Well, one night we went to a rad party and we both got just piss drunk, and we went back to his place an hour before I had to be home. We were just kinda messin around and stuff, and then all of the sudden he asked me if I wanted to go all the way. Well, I GUESS I said “ok” cause I don’t remember a thing about sayin anything and I don’t remember my first actual fuck either. Some words of advice to all you horn-dogs out there who think you’re ready….I say just do it cause it’s great when you’re sober, but your first time drunk is NOT the way to go!!! I
got lucky that I got a guy that kept me after that and didn’t just use me like some of you lame-ass womanizers on here woulda…..we’ve fucked a couple other times now and it’s been the greatest thing in my life. I really wish I coulda remembered my first though….

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