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Our little secret

Age when it happend: 9
Where it happened: My brothers room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was summer and me and my brother Tommy were playing Xbox in his room . He started to get an erection and told me if I knew about sex. I told him yea just to see where he was goin with this. He pulled out a porno mag and we read it and we’d say how big her tits were and how she’s got a hairy pussy and once he dared me to lick a pussy on the magazine so I did. Couple days later we were playing Xbox again and he told me to close my eyes. And when I opened them he was naked with 6 inch cock. He told me to kiss it and I said kiss mine first. So I pulled down my pants and I had a little dick so he deep throated me easily. Then I gave him a blowjob. We did this everyday and did something new everyday too. We did 69, strip poker and some anal too.

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