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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: orgy party
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok well i was a naive 13 year old who knew nothing,andso me and my friend jamie went to a prty we knew had major orgys and i thought if i cld get in that lwd be a more fun way 2 lose it, so we went and they let us in cuz they thought it wld be fun 2 fuck some 13yo’s, and i saw this guy that looked like the guy in my dreams and walked up 2 him and sat behind him. i whispered in his ear”hey ima virgin and i wanna give it to you” boy that got his attn,he said okgo get your friend so i did and we went to his room(tihs wuz his house)and we told jamie 2 caress my tits and she did she has always had real good hands and so he went to my pussy and got a vibrator, a real fast and big one, and just touched the tip of it to my slit and turned it on full speed, i had an orgasm right there but after thathe put the vibrator away and asked me” are you sure u wanna do this i dont have a condom” and i said well i brought one” and told jamie to get it and i took the pleasure of puttin it on so i cld get him harder if i could and he did, a little.well i laid back down and he asked wut position did i wanna do it in. i thought for a minute then said to try doggy style and if that hurts tomcuh i have another way. well, he tried and then he couldnt do it like that cuz it wasnt as comfortable and i always told myself i wouldnt be on top, so i said “lemme put my shoulders around your neck so it will be easier for you” he was like ok that should work, so b4 he did it he got my to the point i tht i cld have an ogsm then he stopped and told jamie to stick the vibrator in her pussy and let me lick it and i was kinda scared bout lickin her jouces but i did and it tasted so good and wile i was suckin the vibrator he started tp put it in me and i whimpered a bit kinda having second feelings and he stopped. then he said r u sure u r ready, u R 13 and all,but i was like yah im this far y stop so i tell jamie to put her pussy over my mouth and i will suck it and finger her to distract my thoughts. well i get into it then i c jamie nod to him meaning go 4 it now and he grabs his thick dick which is y it was hurtin and put it an inch in me then stopped i wondered y he stopped os i said”y u stoppin i was fine” and he was like i know but i really really really want you to feel me do this ok” and i agreed then stopped sucking jamie then grabbed the sheets and curled my toes above his shoulders and said” jsut do it already” and he was makin it hurt puttin it in in tiny incements and makin me suffer and then he has it halfway in, holds it there for a second, and pulls it out an inch then thrusts it in and pulls it out wo inches then says “how does it feel to be a woman now” and i replied”i dont know keep going, and then i may” so he goes in and out while groping at my tits while jamie cheers for me for losing it, and the codom starts to fell find of weird so i tell him to cum outside of me and he pulls it out. then i tell him to stop and take the condom off, and that he sould cum in my mouth, and he does it tastes so good and jamie licks my mouth trying to get some of his stuff. Then itell him i wanna do it in my butt but for him do do it very very sowly and to stop if i say stop. he says ok. i tell jamie to go to another room and fuck sum1 else. she leaves and its jsut the two of us, and he slips a lubed up finger in my butt so he can make sure im ready. he says ok here goes, and he pours lube on his dick and slides it in my ass, i fell so mcuh pressure i feel like crying but tell myself no im not a baby and he knows how im feeling he says “ive done this 2 so many gurls i know ow ur feeling, go ahead and cry out loud cuz i know its for pain and pleasure” so i collapse onto my shoulders while he is still back there fucking me and i do it, i cry a lil, and fell good and tell him 2 do it harder cuz i have 2 orgasm my first time,
and he does it harder and faster till i feel like cryinagain but i hold it in knowin im about to have an ograsm,when i let loose and cum and gush an then i finger myself and do t agan. then he stops and goes to the door and says hell brb, and i sit there and he comes back with this hotter guy and the first guy says ok now 4 the fun. i finally agree to get on top and i do, and so i slide is dick n my ass then the other guy comes up says hi and slides it into my pussy and here i am on the bed being dbl fucked and i need 2 orgsm so i ride bth of them and jump off then have another orgsm, and gush so fast and hard its like there is a hose inside of me. his bed is wet and isay well now ya can smel wen im no here. wefucked several more times that nite and nowhe is my b/f and we have orgys with 5ormoreppl with jamie 2, in my basemnt at ite and i think the rents know but who gives a damn.

well, thats was my story and im stickin 2 it!


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