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Paper Route Pussy

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Neighbor's home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

This happened way back during the Korean Conflict when I was 16. I had a large paper route with over 200 customers. It paid pretty well, but there were always a few customers who sometimes said they couldn’t pay or wanted me to come back the next Friday to be paid. They always had some sort of excuse for not having the money ready for me. There was one customer, Mrs. T______, whose husband was in service, and several times she did not have my money ready for me on Friday night. She was a young gal, probably in her 20s and nice looking. One time, after three weeks had accumulated, and I was there at her door, she invited me in, and while she tried to explain that she did not have the money, suggested not so subtly that perhaps there was some other way she could pay me. Well, we ended up in her bed, and I had my very first — but very rewarding — fuck. For a 16 year old kid to be fucking a grown woman was really something, but I never told any of my buddies, until years and years later. I never used a condom, and came inside her many times, but she never got pregnant. She must have been on some type of birth control. I never asked her. This weekly romp in her bed continued for many months thereafter, until her husband came home from the war. One Friday night, I came to collect, and HE answered the door, with cash in hand!That was the end of our weekly trysts. They stil live down the street from my folks to this day, and once in awhile I see her around town, in a store or at the Mall. She just gives me a nice smile and says, “Hi Tommy,” but we don’t stop and talk. These are sweet memories for me. I hope they are for her, too.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience