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parent’s bed

Age when it happend: 10
Where it happened: parent's bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

When I was ten years old, I used to still crawl into my parents’ bed at night in case I could not fall asleep.
Since my mother had died years ago, one side of the bed was always empty – at least nearly always, since sometimes my younger sister (8 at that time) also used to go there. Actually, she normally did not do so as she did not have any sleeping problems at all. Therefore, my father would sometimes allow her to sleep there the entire night.
That, however, did not stop me – I still came to that bed too in the middle of the night.
Call me a pervert but I cannot help the age I started masturbating was 7. I did not have sexual motives at that time; I just did it due to sheer pleasure. Sexual feelings are supposed to arise at an age of about 13 or 14 years for boys, and do believe me what I then did in my father’s bed at the age of ten was just by reason of curiosity.

So what happened? That particular night I had, as always, come to my father’s bed and my sister was already there because she had gone to sleep there. Having brought plenty of her animal toys (mostly horses and cats), she did not leave much space for me. I got to lie with my loins pressed against her backside.
Some time later, while I still could not fall asleep, I became curious what a girl might feel like down in her lap. (I had already seen my sister naked, not least because she liked showering with the bath door open.) I must have been at least partly asleep though; I cannot have been fully sane or otherwise I would never have dared what I did subsequently.
I lay my hand on her hip and waited whether she would awake but she did not. So I slid my hand down to the waistband of her PJ trousers. And then below it, my heart beating like crazy. But she did not awake. Sliding my hand closer and closer between her legs, I could feel my excitation grow to infinity. When I finally reached her labia, I did not realize it at first. They felt like any other part of her skin, except that they formed two hills with a deep depression between them. When I got that I was actually – for the first time in my life – touching a girl’s genitalia, it was as if the whole bed fell down under me. The moment the peak of the falling feeling in my stomach was vanishing my penis started to become erect. Do not expect a lenght measure – I do not know anymore which length my cock had at the age of 10.
With my other hand I started masturbating while I tried to explore my sister’s pussy further. I slid one finger inside of her vagina where it was not that wet I would probably expect the age I am now. I also found an elevation maybe of the size of a cherry stone – although it felt much bigger -, which, as I know today, was the clitoris. I think I must have stimulated my sister by exploring her secret parts. She became wet between her labia. That disgusted me but I was so torn between excitation, curiosity and nauseation, I could not stop sliding my hand over anything she had down there.
I think she must have come. At least at some point her breathing got faster and faster and then I could hear her moan lowly and sweetly and her abdomen spasmed and contracted and what she did with her muted voice made me cum. A clean, dry orgasm, as to be expected for a 10-year-old boy.
I do not think my sister awoke from her probably first orgasm. If she did, I have not noticed it – and she has never mentioned it. Well, when I was done, I pulled my hand back out of her pussy and had it rest on her belly. I wiped it with her PJ top. What happened next I do not know anymore. Eventually I must have fallen asleep. Since my sister is an early bird, she was already gone when I awoke.

Okay, this was not my first time in terms of penetrating a girl, but I will ever consider it my “first time” and will probably always treasure having lost my virginity to my little sister who does not even know that special importance she has had and, due to my memories, still has to me.

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