Well……hmmm like most other stories, your first time is not gonna be how u’ve always planned it to be-unless ur a complete freak & get ur way then it wont go the way u plannd on it-but its not a bad thing-ne ways-well we’ve only been datin for bout 2 months & i shy mofo & all my friends knew i was like that-but i was actually bein good & doin the basics-givin head for the first time & gettin ate out-it was great!-well one day were sittin on his Aunty’s couch while she’s in the hospital gettin check-ups & were doin our thing & all of a sudden i great the bright idea to have sex!-oof was i glad i had that idea!-so we got a condom & headed up to her room-we got under the covers & do the clothes off & were just foolin round lil bit to get excited & then he stuck it in-ooowies did it hurt-but dont worry-didnt hurt as bad as u may think it would tho-but hmm….i have stuck sum things up there that may have helped the situation out lil bit(curlin iron!-girls u should try it!-it worx wonders!)-but ya-we did it two times & it was everything i coulda hoped for!-sorry if this wasnt all kinky & hardcore details but hey atleast ya got the damn story!