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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

I had just turned 15 and my friends wanted to have a party. Since my parents were out of town for the whole weekend I figured I could pull it off.
It was about 9 in the evening and we( everyone who was there) were watching movies. My crush had come and brought some of his friends with him, so me and my friends kinda paired off with them.
Me and my crush had been talking throughout the whole movie so I couldn’t tell ya what was going on. Anyway, we were talking and he wispered in my ear that he wanted me bad. Since I was a virgin I was a little afraid to say yes. We had gone into my bedroom and were making out and he said he wanted to right then. I slowly agreed and he began to take my shirt off and then my bra and we kissed some more and his hands and mouth were all over my breasts. I took off his shirt and started to undo his pants and pulled off his boxers. He undid my pants and pulled them off as well as my panties (of course).
I was still a little afraid because I didn’t have a lock on my door and I was afraid someone would walk in on us. He assured me that no one would bother us so we continued.
He asked me if I was ok with what we were about to do and I said yes, so he continued what he was doing. Well, you know the in between stuff… He had thrust in his cock… I have to admit it was a little painful seeing that I was a virgin. The pain slowly went away as the pleasure set in. There’s more to this story as you know, but I don’t think I should say anymore…

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