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Party!Cum party!

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: His house
Langauge: Email me with any coments at Babycatkatie@aol.com
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was at this party and I had been drinking alot. I met this cute guy. We danced and drank he ask me if I wanted to go to his house for a little quite time so I went. when we got there we went to his room and started making out. He slid his hand under my shirt and unhooked my bra. Then he took of my shirt and his. We got undressed then he massaged my breasts and he ate me out.then he pushed a huge cock in me I screamed. he gradually started to move up and down. until he popped my cherry and brought me to a orgasam he pumped harder. I worked myself up screaming and groaning to a climax till It came I waited as he worked and worked till his hot streaming cum shot fast in me threw me! We stopped and waited then to finish it up he pop his dick in my mouth and moved in and out while playing with me and rubbing my g-spot until I came and he came in mouth it tasted salty but good I went home later and we have been going out since and are engaged our sex has gotten hornier.

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