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Peaches 12.9

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: His Car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Jonathan and I had been dating for about nine moths at the time. We were attending a christmas wreath party that some friends of my parents throw every year. Once we started to get tired of “partying” we decide to go ‘home’. We had told my mom that we wanted to head back into town, so she told us to say thank you to the hosts and be all friendly.
I go up to the host and hostess and give my thanks. Matt the host, tells Jonathan that we need to drive careful and be safe. I was “Precious Cargo” and needed to be delivered safely.
We were driving home and not really expecting to do anything. We finally arrive to his house and see if anyone was there and to drop off his mini wreath that he had made earlier at the party. He then suggests that we should go get some “coffee” and here I am thinking “coffee?! why does he want coffee?,” but then i realize, “Oh he doesn’t really want to get coffee,” I give a sly smirk and questionly say, “yeah?”
“Yeah” he says.

Then comes the drive to some coffee. He takes us to some secluded spot near Gold’s Gym. We start to go at it with some of our nerdy dorky comments and then we get to our action. He starts to kiss me all over and I returning the favor.
By the time we are really into it…he can’t take it anymore so he says, ” screw this! ” then he commands,” Pants off!” so off they went, and soon enough he’s rolling on a condom over his throbbing member. All I could do was lay there in anticipation. [mind you that we are still in his car even when i have always told myself i would never do it there] As he finally got it on, he pulled the rest of his pants off revealing his long legs and leaving our sockies on. :p
He then lowers himself on top of me and shoves himself inside slowly and soon forecfully. I moaned in passion and in slight pain, but discovring that i had previously been broken. [by him no worries]
we then, caught up in the hot passion and sweat between the both of us we climax together. he then pulls out and collapses on top of me and we cuddle for about 20 minutes before my mom calls looking for me.

It was an awesome early christmas present. We were both glowing the entire way home. We had the largest smiles in the world.
I’m glad it was with him and to this day our love is just as hot!!!

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