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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: in a movie house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I had just broken up with my boyfriend and was feeling so lonely. I broke up with him because he wanted to go all the way and I wasn’t ready.

One Saturday afternoon, I wanted to watch this movie and had no one to go with me. I was alone in the house but itching to go out. Then my cousin B arrived. B is rather cute and one of my favorite cousins, he was 23 at the time . I asked him if he wanted to watch the movie with me, and he said he’ll be glad to.

When we arrived at the movie house, it was jampacked, we were only able to find one sit. B said I could sit down first. I ahd a naughty idea, and asked B to sit down and I’ll just sit on his lap. He seemed reluctant at said down gingerly. I plooped down on his lap and wiggled my behind until I was comfortable. Later on on I felt something hard pushing agains my ass, and I knew B was getting aroused. I wiggeld my ass some more, and I heard him groan. I asked B fi there was something wrong and he mumbled a reply. I told him I ahd to go to the rest room. There, I took off my panties and resumed sittng on B’s lap. I leaned back and whispered to him “I’ve removed my panties, I’ll stand for a while so you can un-zip yourself, he nodded vigorously, then I stood upfor a while. I saw that his hands were trembilg as he unzipped his jeans. When I saw his erect cock peeking out of his jeans I raised my skirt and sat down on him. His cock pierced my cvirgin pussy and I almost fainted with pain and pleasure. I felt him come almost immediately. I was so disapppointed and wanted to slap him. We went home and he wanted to fuck again but I refused. To my surprise he knocked me down on the floor spread my legs and fucked me like there was no tommorrow, that time I came with such force I almost fainted. That was when I realized that only violent sex can make me come!

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