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Age when it happend: 53
Where it happened: Angeles City
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

This isn’t about my first time, but a girl I was with. And although this is about one specific girl, I have actually done this with several girls in the Philippines. It seems that girls there are suckers for a few words of love.

I met Pearl in a strip bar in Angeles City. Now, that may seem strange to you that I would meet an 18-year-old virgin in a strip joint, but in Angeles City, it is really quite common. Many girls come to the bars thinking they will find a foreigner, preferably an American, who wants to marry them. Virgins in the bars are called cherry girls, and although you can take them to your room, the mamasan makes it very clear that she is a virgin, and you are not to have intercourse with her. Blow jobs and touching are OK. I have always used the line that I will not do anything she doesn’t want to, and that seems to satisfy the mamasans. Once the deed is done, there isn’t much they can do.

This particular night, as I walked into this bar that I had been in many times, I noticed a beautiful young girl I had never seen before. I asked one of the other girls about her, and was quickly told she was so-and-so’s cousin, and that she was a cherry girl.

I immediately asked her to my table and we chatted for a couple of hours. She told me she was from Leyte, and that her cousin had gotten this job for her. She went through a few ladies drinks while we sat there, and in a while I told her that I thought she was very beautiful and that I thought I might be falling in love with her. When I said that, her whole face lit up, and she only had eyes for me.

We talked a while longer, and I called the mamasan over to tell her I wanted to bar-fine Pearl and take her to my place. The mamasan went through the whole routine, and as always, I said I wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want to. The mamasan took my money, and off we went to my apartment.

When we got to my apartment, I told Pearl that I would like to take a shower, and that She could watch TV and then take one as soon as I came out. That was exactly what we did. When she came out of the bathroom, she had the towel tightly wrapped around her body, and quickly laid down in the bed next to me. I had turned off all the lights except a small night light because Filipinas are very shy about having lights on. The night light gave me enough light to maneuver.

As I suspected, she had her bra and panties on under her tightly-wrapped towel. I started kissing her and told her how lovely she was, and how good she smelled and felt, how smooth her skin was, and how I didn’t want anything to come between us. At length, she finally let the towel fall away.

I was kissing her deeply, which is difficult because Filipinas don’t instinctively know how to kiss, and I kept telling her how beautiful she was and how lucky I was to have found her, that I was sure this would be the beginning of a very long relationship. Every time I mentioned love, or complimented her, or told her I thought this would turn into something special, she opened up a little more to me.

After a while, I had removed her bra, had slipped off my boxers, and was sucking her nipples, making her shiver and moan in delight. I reached down to her soaked panties, and started to rub her through the satin cloth. She tried to move my hand away, but I told her she had nothing to worry about since she still had her panties on, because nothing could happen like that. She finally let me continue, and I soon had her worked into a lather with my finger on her clit. I kissed my way down to her thighs and then back to her crotch, and when she tried to stop me one more time I again convinced her there was nothing to fear as long as she had her panties on.

With that, I started licking her pussy through her panties, and was eventually able to slide them to the side to suck her pussy and clit directly. She was getting hotter and hotter until she was going wild, and when I slipped her panties up off her bottom, she didn’t even resist, but just concentrated on pushing her pussy against my face. Once they were out from under her, and above my head, it was simple to slide them off one leg and let them dangle on her other ankle. She even helped the process a little by wiggling her foot out of the leg hole. Now that her panties were no longer binding her, those lovely legs alternately clamped the sides of my head and spread as wide as they could go. Even now, I continued to tell her how much I was falling in love with her, and how sweet and special she was.

Finally, I felt her start to shudder in first rapture, and I slid and kissed my way up over her to kiss her deeply on the lips and suck her tits again. I let my cock slide along her slit a little, and she again said she couldn’t have sex. Her voice now had much less commitment in it. I told her that she should use my cock to rub her clit so she could finish climaxing, and that with her controlling it, nothing bad could happen. She rubbed it around, but complained that it wasn’t as good as when I rubbed it. So I put my hand down and started rubbing her clit again.

Soon, she released my cock with her hand, and it slid naturally down into the entrance to her vagina. As I rubbed her clit and sucked her nipples, and she rocked her hips against me, my cock just naturally started to slip and slide deeper into the mouth of her pussy. It had slipped in a couple of inches when I felt it come up against her hymen. One quick shove before she could say anything, and I was through, my cock buried in her depths. As she looked up at me with a startled look, I told her I loved her more than anything at that moment. Instead of having a fit or crying, she just pushed her hips down against my cock, and actually started to fuck against me. God, her pussy was tight.

I fucked her for a long time, and finally dumped my entire load into her belly. I don’t think she came with my cock in her that first time. She certainly did several times during the next several weeks, while she was my girlfriend, and lived with me in my apartment. Then I found an excuse, which isn’t hard when you’re dating a bar girl, to call off the relationship, and dumped her for a new girl in another bar. By then, she was a full-fledged bar girl, and was ready to fuck other customers like a rabbit.

Like I said, this was just one Filipina named Pearl, but the same thing has worked with several cherry girls in the Philippines. I love breaking in Filipina virgins.

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