well were do i start her name was leann and was she beautyful and one of my frends girl frend it started when my frends mother made him go in earler then usual so he ask me to walk her home but she didn’t wont to go home so we sat on the ground and began to talk she got friskey and begain to throw things at my dick i could tell she was getting hot so i began to tease back then she kissed me and things heated up more i said you better stop or else, she said or else what, i said ill take your clothes off you she said OK and kept teasing me i had a bonner that couldn’t be hid so we walked to the river about 7 city blocks away and found a spot by the bend of the river the moon was full and bright and as i took her clothes off her i got hoter she unzipped my pants and pulled them down i didn’t have a shirt on and no underware we made a place to lay with the clothes and she laid down as i played with her really wet pussy she pulled me on top of her i started to push and realized she was a VIRGIN and tight those patete titties were hard so i took my time when she said push i pushed when she said stop i stoped finly my 6.5 cock slid all the way in she growned we lay there for a few and she relaxed she was so tite and it was the best sex i had ever had i pulled out right befor i shot my load. hope she reads this and looks me up