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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Boyfriends house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My boyfriends mom was going out of town for a day and he ask me if I wanted stay over his house. I said yes and I told my parents I was going to stay the night over my friend house like I usually do. Once I get over there we order pizza,watch movies, cuddle, kiss a little. His sister was there too and she also had her boyfriend over. So anyways after it gets late where kissing and cuddling in his bed and we hear moans and thumping coming from his sisters room and we started laughing awkwardly. Then I asked him did he plan to have sex tonight and he said only if I wanted to. And I kinda wanted to so I asked him if he had a condom and he pulled some out of his draw. We began kissing and before we new we were having sex. It didnt hurt as much I thought it was going to. He came fast so it wasn’t that long. But I had a great time that night/

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