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phantom pussy licker

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: school
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was at school on my 15th Birthday when I was a freshman and there was this lesbian teacher staring at me and then looked at my crotch, I was utterly repulsed and skived off music for the rest of the week, then at the weekend she came round to my house complaining about me skipping music, my parents were out and due home the next day, so she invited herself into my bedroom and started saying I always turned her on, then out of nowhere, she snogged me! I closed my eyes and snogged her back, slipping my hands on to her huge tits and massaging them. She let out a groan of pleasure and then she stripped me then started kissing me from my head to my pussy. She sucked hard on my clit giving me a huge orgasm three times. Then she shoved my face into hers I licked her pussy for half and hour. Now we suck pussy every night after school. I love her so much

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