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Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: my apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight


Can you remember the first time?
Everything racing through your mind
and body all at the same time.
The mind is exhilirated, aprehensive,
embarrased, insecure, afraid and expectant…
all swirling around like a tornado out of control.

The body is tight, sensitive to every touch,
willing, erupting in sensations never before
experienced or imagined.
Feeling your naked skin next to another’s
is an erotic pleasure that you couldn’t imagine,
even though you thought you had a million times before.

Exploring your partner with hands
that tremble with excitement and anticipation.
Lips that are moist with pleasure and passion.
And then… the most intimate of moments
when you both become one for the first time.
The eruption of your senses over and over and over.
The exhiliration of the rhythm of your bodies
in perfect harmony and then…the last gasp…
Now feeling all used up but wanting more.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience