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Current Age: 33
Age when it happend: 33
Where it happened: Her House/Her Bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

Well, my very first time was when I was a Senior in high school. Joan, my girlfriend at the time was 17 and a Junior. We had gone together for about a year and she finally let me fuck her a few months before I graduated. I had bought a box of condoms,and I think we actually did it three (3) times. The sex was great. In fact, I’d say it was fantastic! We did it in my Dad’s car, after seeing a movie. So, Joanie was my first, and it was fun.

But all that was 15 years ago. After I graduated, I went off to college and grad school in another town, and after writing and Emailing and phoning each other for awhile, it finally got less and less. Then I heard she was going with some other guy, and then she got married. I was not invited.

I also met someone else in college, and eventually got married and had three kids.

Then, just the other day, I had to get some blood tests in preparation for a check up with the doctor, and I went to a local Med-Express to have it done. It was my first time using that particular facility. After I checked in, and they called my name, I went back to one of the small rooms to get my blood drawn, when much to my surprise, in walked Joan in a white uniform. She was the phlebotomist that was going to take my blood. We both were really surprised, and as she tapped my arm trying to find where to insert the needle, we talked about old times. Even after she drew the blood, we continued to talk. I soon found that the “old spark” was igniting once again. 15 years hadn’t changed her much and she really looked good. Same trim body, same nice chest, same nice butt.

I found out that she was divorced and lived with her two children who were 11 and 9. I finally asked if it would be O.K. to stop by sometime. She said sure. She gave me her address and phone number. I knew I shouldn’t be writing those things down, but I did.

Two weeks later , I was inside her house, inside her bedroom, and inside Joanie –again! This time we weren’t in the tight confines of a car seat, we were fucking like the old times — in a Queen sized bed — completely naked, and going through all the foreplay necessary to make really wonderful sex. And this time with no condom. It was the first time I ever had my erection inside Joanie’s mouth, and what a rush that was. She gave great head. Really great!

A month later,I was over there again, on a Saturday. Her kids were off playing soccer and this time, they went with the neighbor lady and her kids, while Joan stayed home “to do some housework. We fucked for three hours. (I was “off playing golf,” as far as my wife knew.

I know I can’t continue this affair. We’re bound to be found out eventually, and I don’t want that to happen. It would create a lot of problems, and it would be messy. And I do love my wife. But the sex — the really great sex — with Joanie keeps playing around in my mind.

What to do?

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