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Picking up the Pizza

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well one night when my parents wee out of town I had ordered pizza.Well I was taking a shower and then I heard the door bell ring.I got out and not wanting to not be able to resume my shower after eating just put a towel around my waist.I went to the door and opend it there was a 17 year old sexy girl there.”Sorry I’m dressed like this I was taking a shower” I said.The girld looked up and I realized it was my crush Natalie.”That’ll be 22.50″ she said I went and got my wallt I dropped the money and bent over to get it.Suddenly my towel fell off and landed on the ground.I didn’t notice I handed her the money knowing that this was he rlast dilivery I invited her in.”So Daniel do you normally entertain your gursts naked?” she asked.I looked down and covered up she smiled and did the come here finger.I slowly making sure to cover my parts walked over to her.”I don’t mind seeing you naked infact it you let me see you again I’ll count that as tip and maybe a little sex for tax”she said.She put her hand on my hands and slowly brought them down.She pulled some condoms out of her pocket (don’t ask) and put one on me.The with her hand on my chest I stood up and we began it was amazing.She decided to unzip her pants and she let me put it in blood shoe everywhere as I popped her cherry she screamed.When we finishe I put my towel back on and walked her to the door.Then she grabbes it and pulled it fell she giggled and walked off.

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