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Picture Perfect First time

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: his room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We were in his room and he was holding me watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Soon I got tired and feel asleep. It was about 9pm when i feel alseep and when i woke up it was abuot 11:30pm. I woke him up too b/cuz he got tired and fell alseep too. I woke him up and I kissed him passionately. Then he flipped over and was on top of me and we kissed for about 20 mins and felt eachother up. Then he started to take off my shirt and I let him, soon my bra and pants were off too. I took his shirt off in the middle of our kissing and i undid his pants and took them off. Soon he started to go down and finger me and when he did and went in with 2 fingers I let out a small moan. And he asked me if I was a virgin and I told him “I was”. He asked me “are you sure you want to do this” I said “yea, I think so” so we kept kissing and he took my thong off and I took his boxers off, he stopped for a min and put on a condom and layed back down on top of me and said “are you sure? I don’t want you to regret anything and I don’t want to force you to do anything” and right when he said that I was sure! So he went in and when he did I shrieked with pain but pleasure. He said “are you ok?” I said “yea”. So he kept going and I was holding him and kinda digging my nails in to his back.( which i found out the next morn). He went slow then got faster and the faster he got the louder I moaned and he groaned when he went faster. It hurt with pain but pleased me with more pleasure. I was in so much pain and I had tears coming down my face and he asked me “are you ok babe”, if he was going to fast or hard and i said “no”…I said ” I just can’t believe I’m actually doing this with you, I Love you” and to my suprise he said back to me, “I have been afriad of that word for a long time but now I’m not afriad of it anymore, I love you Katie” and he orgasimed then took off the condom and we layed together for the rest of the night. When his parents came home the next morning his dad came in and asked him a few question I couldn’t hear them and then he left and when Matt got up I saw his back and he had scratches and cuts on his back from my nails and I apoligized but he assured me that it was ok. I got home that day after we showered together but didn’t have sex b/cuz i was too sore. He brought me home and my mom got home about 30 mins after I did so she never knows what happened that weekend. My mom was in las vegas and i told her I was at my friend SOhia’s house. She treats matt like a son to her, and she dosen’t know our little secret! I love you Matt our 18 months together has been heaven and I hope it stay’s like this forever!!

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