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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well I was home all alone and my cousin and his friend Terence came over and I was fellin Terence and he was fellin me so he asked me did I like him and of corse I said yes then he asked could he kiss me I said yes and so we went up stairs into my sisters pink colored room(we didnt care where we were) and he kissed me and he started to put his hand up my skirt and I told him I was a virgin and he said he was one to then he asked could he finger me but Before I could answer he was fingering me already It felt GREAT then he started unbuttoning my shirt and he unsnapped my bra and said that I was beautiful and before you know it we were both naked stitting on the bed staring at each other naked and then I laid down and he kissed my small breast then he said did I want him to eat my out and I said yes then slowly went in between my legs and started licking then he tongue fucked me and I moaned and he said “Do you like it” then I said ” harder harder he went harder and it felt amazing then he stuck his penis in my pussy it hurted at first then I got use to it and it started to feel good and then we stopped and he spent the night at my house since my parents were gone til Tuesduay and then he called me and asked me out and we’ve been going out everysince.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience