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playing “Ball(s)”

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: A soccer field.
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

I went over to my friend’s house, and he had some of his friends over. There was this one girl that REALLY caught my eye. Her name was Maya (I think), and she was the fucking HOTTEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN!! We talked for a long time, and flirted – but normal guy/girl flirting – nothing out of the ordinary.

So, we decided we’d go for a walk. She took me to her school, and showed me around. It was about 2:00 am, and we were both a little woozy from the alcohol we had at our friend’s house. We decided to sit down for a while in the soccer field. WE sat, and continued to talk. that’s when she asked me how far I’d been with a girl before. I told her I’ve had oral sex, but not the real thing. She looked impressed, and offered to have sex with me. Of course I thought she was joking, but I said: ” okay, sure!” thinking we’d both laugh it off.

But instead, she grabed my dick, and started giving me a hand job!!!! Anyways, one thing led to another, and I was shooting her up (if you know what I mean) in about ten min – later.

It was REALLY good, and we still talk every now and again. She is a really nice person. Bye bye.

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