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please maintain sum ethics

Age when it happend: 11
Where it happened: home
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Its not a romantic or horny one…

Im 11 when it happened and i don know nothing about sex.

I have a brother(my father brothers son)he is 10 years elder than me.And i used to play with him a kid.They used to stay behind my house.one day while my parents are away he came to my home and we are playing mario. h started pressing all my body i wonder i didn’t understand what he is doing even.later he said he will make me laugh by tickling so i said ok and i too started tickling him.Im laughing a lot and he removed my tops and started sucking my boobs.and began to hurt me.i screamed he didnt stoped and fucked me.damit it hurted me and i began to bleed and finally my parents came i told them what had append and he was thrown out off that place..
I request all the guys please leave kids..and my firsttime was very embarrassing..

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience