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Please Read This!!!!!

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok. now then, this is a story that i wanted to share with millions and millions of myfirsttime viewers. Please don’t push the back button or navigate away from my story before you finish it, i will guarantee that you will enjoy it! To the limit.

Here goes….. Good sirs and maam, why should you waste your time reading erotic stories? I find it hard to realize that it is pleasurable or special….and i also find it hard to realize why do you people spend your precious time on these man-made psychomasturbation stories. So, to summarize it, you guys are wasting your time and even money reading it. And provided that you paid for the internet, it is better that you use your moneypaid internet to visit educational sites or even more appropriate entertainment sites. this is absurd…. please stop this madness. Remember, if you read this, you will damage the way you think and thus can render you to be a sex machine. Sooner or later, you might be fucking your own sister/brother, mother/father, granma/granpa, cousin and worse, your own blood and flesh (son and daughter). Yes i agree, sex is pleasurable but think about people around you. They are in danger because of you! if you cant control your emotions….god help you my friend, god help you.

Please! i urge everyone to stop this. This is absurd and insane. its better to just get married and fuck your own wife, and hey, you can fuck her everytime you want! after that then, you can write your own story and keep it in your drawer! (not publish it on the net and make other people sick)

im just a human that is trying to change the world for the better. There are too many babies cryin, blood spilled nowadays. Help your self and make this world a better place for us, our children and theirs to live.

Thank You

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