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Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: college dorm
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

My first time happened with a guy I met online on one of those college networking sites. He messaged me and told me he thought I was “cute,” and that he would really like to meet me. At first, I was like, “what, are you crazy? I’m not gonna drive halfway across the state to meet some random guy I met online!” But then I noticed where he went to school; he went to a university that was literally five minutes away from my house. Now, I was away at school at the time, but after talking to him on instant messenger and the phone for a while, I started to like him, and after a few months of really intense phone and cyber sex, I wanted him for real. He knew I was a virgin and he seemed like the kind of guy who would be gentle. After some thinking, I decided that considering how close he was to my home and family, I could get away with going to meet him. After all, if he turned out to be one of those weirdos you hear about on the news, I could just drive down the street and be home (with my police officer dad). I took the weekend off my school job and drove home with a couple friends and met him at a coffee shop. It was lust (and love?) at first sight, but being new to the whole sex thing, I was a little nervous and shy, and him being the total sweetie that he is, suggested that we go to the mall and hang out for a while before we went back to his room. We went to the mall and held hands just like we were on a real date and it was so nice. It was a little awkward at times because we got some stares, being an interracial couple (I’m black, he’s white), but for the most part we just looked at music and movies and books. Then we got some take out and as we were leaving the mall, we had our first kiss. I think I fell in love with him right there in the Nordstrom’s parking lot of my side of town’s “nice” mall. Anyway, we went back to his room and ate and watched a movie….then, I’m sad to say, I fell asleep after having driven five hours on barely four hours of sleep the night before. When I woke up, he walked me to the bathroom in the girls’ wing of his dorm and when we came back to his room he jumped my bones, lol…just started kissing and groping and even though it lacked a certain finesse, I still wanted him so much. Then, just when it was getting serious and I was completely naked with him in just his boxers, he stops and says, “Are you sure you want to do this?” Even if I had been having doubts until that moment, the fact that he was willing to go so far and then stop if I said so made me want him all the more. Obviously, I said I wanted to do it. It was the most beautiful moment in my life, I had never felt so close to another person. I know it sounds cheesy, but I really think I fell in love with him right then and there. After we had talked for a few months, he told me that he loved me. But he didn’t make a huge production about it or anything, we were just talking on the phone, and while we were making our goodbyes, he said “I love you, baby.” And that was that. We’re still together, met each other’s family and everything, and two weeks ago, he suprised me with a ring and asked me to marry him at The Cheesecake Factory while we were out to dinner with our families. No one but a couple of my friends from college and some other friends I met on the networking site know how we REALLY met because we’re a little afraid to tell our parents, but I’m so glad I took a calculated risk, because I found the love of my life, and I never would have met him if I hadn’t. I know that this story could have taken so many horrible turns and that I’m very lucky that I didn’t drive into some kind of sex slavery ring. I’d like to tell all the girls out there who are thinking about doing something like that to be very careful and make sure you take proper precautions for her safety, but that it CAN be a very good thing to take a risk, because even though the consequences can be beyond horrible, so too can the rewards be unimaginably great.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience