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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time was when I was 16. My dad told me I couldn’t use the Lexas for my date but he did say I could use the Jeep but I didn’t so I asked my mom and she said I could use the lexas as long as I didn’t get in a crash or get a ticket and my dad agreed with that and said if I did one of those I would be grounded for 3 months and I wouldn’t be able to go to the party next week! I got the car and I was on my way to my boyfriends house when a cop car came out of nowhere and pulled me over. I was so scared! I thought I was going the speed limit! The cop came over to my car and asked to see my drivers license and stuff so I gave it to him and I then asked what I had done wrong and he told me I was going to fast. I begged him to not give me a ticket. I asked him if there was anything I could do to change his mind! he said “Well…” I then told him I would do anything as long as I could go to that party next week! He told me to get out of the car and come with him. I did as I was told and got into the cop car and he said to me “I will forget the whole thing if you do me one favor!” iI was sitting there and I could feel my pussy get soo hot and wet that I just said FINE!!! He then asked me if I had ever been in a cop car and when I told him no he started rubbing his hand over my breast and I kind of turned but he then asked me another question and started kissing my neck. I was shocked but I liked it! He then opened my shirt and undid my brah and started sucking and licking my tits. It felt sooo good! While he was sucking and licking my tits I unziped his pants and pulled them and his underware down and I started rubbing his hard cock and wanted soo badly to suck it! I asked if I could and he said sure, why not! I sucked him so hard and he cummed all in my mouth he the pulled my pants down and started licking my pussy! It was sooo hot and wet he then comanded me to play with it. I did then I never had an orgasm before and when I finaly did I felt like I was in heaven! he licked me some more and then he stuck it into me! It hurt for a while but then it felt great and when he was done we dressed our selves and he tore the ticket up and I drove all the way to my boyfriends house to pick him up and he was kind of mad that I was late but it was worth it! My boyfriend found out and now we arn’t speaking. Every time I see that cop I always give him a wink!

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