I should say I really do not know how everyone can remember all the details about the first time.
What i remember is more the romantic part of it…
We had been going out for one month, we had made out alot before, and I just sort of knew it was the right moment. To celebrate our first month together, he rented a motel room with a jacuzzi.. when he drived me up there I was really scared, he could see it, and so he asked me to calm down, that if I did not wanted it to happen, we could be naked and not do it.. For the night he had an excelent french cheese with him and a bottle of champaigne, along with a beutifull bouquet of roses. Well once int he room we got into the jacuzzi, we drank the champaigne and ate the cheese, and as you can imagne, made out like never before, we sort of tried, but it hurt too much, so we just decided to leave it for another time… One week after we were in my dorm wathcing a movie, we were really horny, and well it just happened, that day I was not drunk, i was in my 5 sneces, and still I donot remember much of it, just that after he left I saw that I had some blod, I called him a little scared, he told me that is was normal, but that if I wanted he could come over to make me feel safer.. he did, and we cuddle for a while, in the benches in front of the dorms (it was in Mexico, at the dorms there, boys are not allowed after 6pm) after that we went to the motel about once a week and every now and then did it at the dorm.. we had many problems in our relationship, his familly did not like me much, and he was just too involved with his work, not having enoough time for me, after 6 months we broke up, it really hurt, I couldn’t belive we were no longer together, and I could nor resist being near him, so I took an exchange program to Belgium, where I met the guy I am with now.. we have lived together for almmost 5 months , and been going out for over a year and a half, he has just bought a home with the help of his dad, where we hope to get instaled in and get merried as soon as I finish college. The guy i left in Mexico also found Miss perfect himself, or at least I hope so, he is getting married tomorrow…they only went out for about 5 months, I really wish tht he is getting merried for love and that it lasts, and it is not a matter of just wwanting to get merried, or even worst that he is pregnent.. he wont tell me the details of that, I just wish him well, and I thank him for showing me that reall love is being friends, lovers and partners… and that the man of your life is not allways the man for all your life… Thank you Mickey.. i will allways treadure you in my heart, and remember. Love is the motor that keeps our life going!