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Pool Party

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: My bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

My parents went out of town and my sister (who is four years older than I am) decided to throw a pool party. We competed for everything…Our parent’s attention, clothes, and, yes, boys.

There was one guy at the party, Tim, who I thought was really cute. When I told my sister how I felt, she laughed and said he was “way out of my league”. That made me want him even more.

The party started in the evening and it was pretty fun…A bunch of my sister’s friends, a few of mine, a pool, and some beer (for my sister and her friends).

All day long, I did my best to flirt with Tim. I was too young to really know what I wanted from him, but I just wanted to prove to my sister that he wasn’t out of my league. Whenever I could, I’d swim up next to him and brush our bodies together. It took him a little bit to figure out what was going on, but finally he start groping back and I cheered him on by smiling. Then I’d retreat and leave the pool. I’m sure he was really confused.

As the afternoon turned to evening, most of the people went home…The only ones left were either the alcoholic crowd who were still nursing our keg or were couples who were making out…Tim stayed and drank. My sister disappeared with her boyfriend into her room.

Around midnight I decided to go to bed (even though there were still a few people, including Tim, hanging around). I put on my PJs (a t-shirt and panties) and closed my door.

Within a few minutes, I heard someone outside; then I saw my door open and he walked in: Tim. I had to laugh. “Out of my league, indeed!”

He said Hi, I said “Hi yourself”. He said “I just wanted to make sure you were OK” as he stepped close to my bed. Then he asked if he could kiss me. I was still high on the fact that I’d “won” so I said “sure”.

He knelt beside my bed and leaned over me as our lips met. It was amazing. a real, “grown-up” kiss. I could taste the beer on his breath and that made it even more exciting. We kissed again and again…I was totally lost.

Then he reached up my shirt and I realized that he was in the bed with me. I had no clue when he’d crawled in, but he was there, under the covers. I let him pull my top off and we kept making out. Soon his hands were everywhere on my body…I was so wet I couldn’t believe it.

He crawled on top of me and then I realized that maybe I wasn’t as in control as I thought I was. I tried to roll out from under him but he kept shifting his weight to prevent me. We kept kissing and I began to relax.

He had one hand down between our legs and at some point it left my body and started fumbling with his swim trunks. I broke the kiss and told him that I didn’t want to do that…I was still a virgin. He said that he “knew” and it was OK. I thought he understood.

As soon as I stopped protesting, he slid out of his trunks and tossed them away. Then he took his penis and rubbed it against my slit. I told him to stop but he kept going as he told me that he was just doing the “same thing his finger was doing a minute ago…Doesn’t it feel good?” And it did, so I relaxed let him make me feel good.

I got really into his touch and was gasping and moaning when he did it…He shoved it in. I felt like i was being split in half and I yelled, or screamed…I don’t know which. But he was ready: he shoved his mouth down on top of mine muffle my voice as he pressed all the way in.

When I relaxed a little, he pulled his face back so I could speak…I told him “No!” and he just said “We’re already all the way, we can’t go back now.” and he began thrusting.

The sensation was…well, overwhelming. Pain, pleasure (I guess), but just the feeling…I’d never felt anything like it.

But pretty soon I got tired of it…I was worrying about someone walking in, or getting pregnant, or even staining my sheets. But he kept going…Thrusting into me over and over. Maybe it was all the beer beforehand.

Eventually, he stiffened and gasped as he pressed deep into me. I could feel his cum and I started to cry. I think he mistook my gasping breath for something else because he said “You like that, don’t you?”

When he was done, he rolled off and said he had to go to the bathroom. He put on his swim trunks and left. I stayed in my room and cried, hoping he wouldn’t come back but afraid of being alone.

He didn’t come back.

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