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Porked by a fat little boy

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: My yard
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I wish it wasn’t true . I wish it was a college stud with a big dick. Here I am 17 in a cheep apartment down town and I will call it what it is the hood. My little car is junk but it runs cause I change the oil. And that’s what I was doing . Look white pussy I heard some one say. I was under the car and I saw a heavy boy looking up my skirt. Hay take off I said and was draining the oil when this kid starts talking trash. I tightened the nut and came out wiping the oil from my hand. Two boys were now standing by me. Let’s do it he said . Let’s not and I walked away. This kid was all of 12 and as short as me but all of 160 pounds to my 100 pounds. He grabbed me me around the chest and I broke free . He charged me and I fell to the grass knocking my wind out. I wrestled my brothers so this kid was easy even for me as a girl. No means no so give it up. He grabbed my hair with one hand and up my skirt with the other rubbing on my cunt. I couldn’t reach his face to scratch and I was held by my hair . For all my fighting I couldn’t free my self. His right hand was all in my cunt making head way. This dirty faced fat boy is not going to win. I felt my breif wrap around his hand as I struggled to free my hair. I got my hair free and stood up but the boys hand was hopelessly tangled in my breifs. So I jump and wiggle to no avail as the boys hand is trapped between my legs . I slip and loose my advantage as the boy wrestles me down and sits on my back his teeth tear at my breifs and his hand gets free and my crotch feels his fingers. Your gonna like this white girl. His was in my cunt working me up . Every time I bit or hurt him he pulled my hair. He was working me for 30 minutes and I wanted to resist . You liken it lots now white girl. My body was saying I want to do it. My mind was saying rape . You want it girl? He was not sitting on me any more , just his hand up on me and a hand in the middle of my back. Roll over girl it is so good on this side. I did and he was playing my clit and I was not fighting any more. Let’s see them white tittys . I opened my shirt and pulled up my brazier . You want it girl let’s do it . I can’t . We went like this for at least a half hour. I gave in. You want it girl say it . I want it . Louder .I want it!
Say it and mean it . I was yelling with all my strenght put your damn dick in my cunt. His pants he pulled down just enough to see a hooded black penis . I reached for his penis he grabbed my hair . Careful white girl. I pulled his hood back and looked at the dick that was to take my virginity away. I parted and placed him and removed my hand . He jammed me and it hurt me and him. ouch Let me in girl . I’m cherry so fuck or get off . He backed up and pulled me open with his thumbs. Hell girl your all closed for business we gotta change this. This time he jammed he took my cherry . Then I got serious about fucking the boy. He was a terrible fuck. Five strokes and pow he was finished . What a waste of time . That’s it you 12 year old fatty. I went to the e-room and they found an Sexually transmitted disease in the evidence he left in me. So I treated for that. I became sexually active and now have a boyfriend.

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