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Prom Night Fuck!

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Motel
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I got lucky when I asked Jody, the hottest girl in the Class to the Senior Prom. I had never dated her before, but we had flirted in the halls together a lot.

That night, she wore a bright red (scarlet) dress, low cut in front — and — as I found out later, NOTHING on underneath! No bra, no panties, NOTHING!

I could hardly keep myself from fucking her on the dance floor that night, but there were chaperones around, and that was not possible. But, on the slow dances, we did dance real close and my boner was pressed into her pretty good.She knew what I wanted — and kept telling me — “Just wait until the Prom is over.”

The dance was over at 11:00 P.M., and we drove to aMotel on the edge of town. I knew the night clerk, and he gave me one of their nicest rooms.

As soon as we got in the door, she took off her dress and there she was — as naked as the Venus de Milo — only she had arms! And she started using them to take off my tux, and my jockeys. It didn’t take her long. She laid down on the bed and spread her legs wide, and I fished a condom out of my tux pants and started opening it. “Forget that,” she said, “I’m on birth control.” Man was I glad to hear that.

I was hard, from the time we got there, of course, and the first thing she did was guide it into her vagina. It fit real nice and we started fucking. We soon got in a great rythm together, and she started telling me to fuck her hard. I did. She fucked back! I knew she had done this before. But she was nice and tight around my dick, and I was in absolute heaven.

We fucked from midnight to 4:00 A.M. and then I took her home. No lights were on when we arrived at her house, so I assumed her Mom and Dad knew full well that she was out having sex after the Prom.

We’ve dated a half dozen times since that night, and we’ve fucked every time. It’s simply GREAT SEX!

In the Fall we leave for college at Michigan State. We are in a coed dorm, and I know we will be fucking just about every night!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience