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Promotion earned…

Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: the bosses office
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

I had this happen recently, just about new years eve. At the time I was working as a jr. secretary for a traveling office, and my boss, Ms. K I will call her, spent a lot of time going to different countries arranging deals and such for other businesses she invests in.
After three years of working there, I got the courage to find out about a possible promotion, or a raise, and what it would involve. Now, Ms. K is a attractive 35 y.o. lady who is business-like, yet still polite. It was told to me that only one position was open at the time for an possible promotion, and that it would involve a fair bit of travel with her.
I explained that I was interested, and she found my office skills to be “adequate in most regards.” but it turned out there was one additional requiorment for the position to be given. Ms. K explained she liked to have specific kinds of “companionship” on her trips, and often would share one bed with them at the same time, to save on expenses. And she said she wanted to see what I looked like without any clothing on…to make sure about things.
To make a short story shorter, I was soon enough naked, and being looked over by her, as she also got undressed in front of me. Directing me to a couch, she got down on her knees, and told me to spread them, as she wanted to see what I tasted like (my pussy that is)!!!
I was reluctant at this point still, not wanting to, but she gave me a choice “do it and become my companion, or you can leave this company for good.” that settled if for me, as I needed the job, and opened up for her. She took her time, but all I really remember is her getting me ot orgasm not once but twice before she had me do it to her own pussy.
Ms. K and I travel, with me as her companion and also as a personal secretary. I have since grown to love eating pussy, and doing it in many lands!!!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience