Where it happened: her bedroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
well i had been goin out with this chick for a while and we fooled around a lil bit. and i ended up spending the night at her house because we had went dirtbiking that day and her mom suggested me stay over. so we ere jsut hangin out listenin to music in her room, with the occasional make out sessions. and after a lil while she started to go for my crotch so we procedded to undress each other and i pulled her bra off to reveal two beutiful c breasts. by now i was rock hard and ready to fuck her, so i went down and started to pull her pants off to a bright yellow thong tight as hell, and then pulled her thong off revealing her tight soaking wet shaved pussy. i couldn’t take it anymore and jsut burried my face in her pussy and ate her for about a good 30 minutes. and then she returned the favor and finally the messgin aroudn got old and i procedded to slide my rock hard cock in her tight pussy. it hurt her a lil bit at first but then was smooth goin from there. and from then on we fucked for about 3 hourse takin a lil break every once and a while. then she tried to fuck me over and told her mom about it and it was my idea and she didn’t want to. even though it was her idea. i still talk to her to this day and wish every day i’d have the chance to fuck her again.