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Purity Test!

Age when it happend: 25
Where it happened: My Explorer and her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I met Tara through a mutual friend about a year before it actually happened. I was living in Mississippi and she was from Kansas. We kept in touch at first over the internet. It was cheeper and since there was no commitment it seemed like the best idea. We talked agreat deal over the next few months and got pretty intimate with or conversations, yet nothing really ever happened. I took a job in Idaho and we maintained contact through chat lines. Our chat line conversations soon turned to phone calls in which we talked about the possibility of maybe having a relationship. On one occasion she emailed me what was called ” the purity test”. I contained some pretty graphic questions about sexual experience and you rated your self on how pure you were by what you had done. Needless to say we both ranked pretty high because we were both virgins. We began talking about the test and on thing led to another and the subject came up, if we wanted to change the way we were (virgins). She told me she had “NO” experiece whatsoever, not even masterbation. Of course, me being a guy said I had done that before. That phone converstaion turned into a training sessions for her. That night I talked her through how to give pleasure to herself. Phone sex if you wanna call it that. This went on for a few weeks and she experimented on her own and we did it together on the phone a few more times. After a while the subject of actual sex came up. She asked if i’d ever given thought to loosing my virginity. At this point I should say that both of us were virgins by choice. I was due to religious teachings and she was due to moral ideals. We both had had oppurtunities in the past. This went on for a few months and the time was approaching for me to make my way back south. It just so happens that my route would take me right through her town. So we made plans to spend sometime together to see if a relationship was brewing.
I got into her town about noon and found her house. No one was home so I kinda waited around for a few hours. I ended up falling asleep in her yard on a blanket. I was awakened by HER DAD, and I was startled to say the least. Good thing was that she had told him I was coming and I figured it was me. He told me where I could find her and gave me directions. Tara and I had never so much as touched before. I was so anxious. I pulled up outside where she was and got out of the car. She was alraedy walking toward me, with a determined look on her face. I was leaning on the car when she reached me. I never made it off the car to greet her. she immediatly kissed me and pused me back onto the car. It was the most passionate kiss i had ever had. We exchanged pleasntries and kissed somemore and suggested we go somewhere else. She asked if she could drive and I let her. Next thing I knew, we were driving downa dead end dirt road just about a mile from her house. She stoped the car and we started talking. Not ten minutes into the conversation and she leaned over to kiss me, but what caught me by surprise is that she grabbed my crouch at the same time. By this time I was hard as a rock. She began to undo my pants as we kissed and I inturn began removing her bra from beneath her dress. Soon my lips were firmly wraped around her nipples and breasts, while she began stoking my cock. My car wasn’t the most comfortable plac eto be but we didn’t care. She climbed over the arm rest and staddled me. She riped her panties from around her waist and proceeded to sit down on my aching cock. But it didn’t work. there was not enough room. So I began to finger her pussy. Soon her hand was down with mine and we both were giving her pussy attention. We were getting so worked up and had decided by now that we needed to fuck. So we gathered ourselves up as best we could and went back to her house. By this time her parents were asleep and since her room was at the opposite end of the house, we didn’t have to be to quite. We almost killed each other getting into the room and clearing the bed and getting undressed. I riped open a condom and put it on and in no time I was burried inside her. It happened so fast I don’t remember if it hurt her or me. I do know this, in no time she was moaning like mad and I was fucking her harder. We must have fucked four or five times more that night and into the morning. I spent five days there and we had sex at least four times a day. We tried a little of everthing. She wanted to know how to give a blow job so I showed her what I knew I liked. I taught her to make eye contact and to swalllow. She wanted me to eat her pussy, so I practiced the art on her several times that week. When I left at the end of my stay, I was exhausted. I knew I’d not see her again for a while if ever. To my surprise she moved to Texas that summer and that fall I moved there too. We were and still are about an hour from each other. Fow almost a year, we’d hook up once or twice a month for sex. I knew I didn’t want a relationship with her and she knew it too, even though she wanted more. So I slowly began to push her away. I still think about that summer and fantasize and dream about having sex with her again.
I since become engaged and I would never do anythjing to hurt that. Yet I still would love one last fuck from my first. By the way , I looked at the purity test again a few weeks ago. Let’s just say I barely scored a point !

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience