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PVT J – First 6 way

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Club Drop In, Dongducheon, and South Korea
Langauge: ENGLISH
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So, not to brag, and but I’m a pretty smart guy. Certified genius. What’s even better, I’m an athlete too. I graduated high school early at the age of 16 and was trying to decide what to do with life. I had numerous scholarship offers at some pretty prestigious schools, both academic and athletic, and coming from a kid who’s lived his whole life in a trailer park, it was pretty overwhelming. I finally decided to enlist in the army at 17 to give back to the country that provided me so much opportunity. I went to BCT and AIT (Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training) which was 10 months total. While in AIT, I married my high school sweetheart, the one I had been with for 4 years, who took my virginity and i took hers. My first assignment was in south Korea, while she finished highschool. It was a year long tour. I got an apartment for her and did my thing in Korea. I decided to surprise her with mid tour leave on our 1 year anniversary. Lo and behold, i walk into my house and there’s another man sitting on my couch in his underwear. He asks me “kin I help ya?” in the biggest southern hick drawl I could ever hope to not hear. I replied “I’m pretty sure this is my apartment” as I look around making sure I’m at the right place. He replies “don’t reckon so. Me and my old lady lived here fer quite a while”. Then I hear my wife “baby, who’s there?” from the bedroom and old boy replies “hell if i know, some uppity boy claimin’ he lives here” to which she responded “what are you… OH @#%&! (my_name), what are you doing here?” at this point I was wondering the same thing.

So I go back to Korea, narrowly avoiding assault and battery charges for beating the Good Ole Boy to a pulp. I was a month away from leaving Korea and my divorce was filed. Me and my friends had taken to going to a Juicy Bar called Club Drop In that had 12 of the finest filipina waitresses you could imagine. Around February, when I had about 2 weeks left in Korea, i had just gotten a portion of my enlistment bonus and my income taxes back. So me and my roommate went to Drop In and rented the club for $5,000. The owner was so happy, he took us into the vip room with all the waitresses, we drank all we wanted, and me and my roommate both had our first 6way with the hottest Asian girls you could ever hope to see. I had 3 between my legs, one on my face, and one on each hand.

Once I came back stateside, i met my current wife. We dated for 3 years and survived a deployment to Iraq before we eloped. Now, I’m out of the service, own my own online business pulling 7 figures net profit per year (still haven’t been to college yet). Me and my wife have 2 beautiful daughters and she’s 7 months pregnant with my son. But I’ll never forget the one night of lusty sin. And fuck b@#%es who cheat on their husbands in the service. Make em famous!

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