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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: My house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

When I had sex with Quinn, she was my very best friend in the whole world. She had just turned 15 years old when it happened, and I was 14 (it was just a couple months ago, so I am still 14). I had always really loved and admired Quinn, but had never really thought about making a move on her. She is the most beautiful person I have ever met or seen, inside and out. Anyway, one day I invited her to my house to study while my parents and sister were away. We started out just doing our homework, but the whole time she kept subtly flirting with me. It confused me, because there had never been any conformation or reason to believe that she was also a lesbian, but she was so beautiful that day, so I flirted back. Pretty soon, we got into a very intimate conversation.I told her about how bad this summer really was for me; all of my friends knew that I had gone through an intense bout of depression/anxiety this summer, but I revealed to her that I was borderline agoraphobic (afraid of leaving the house), had been shoplifting to feel some kind of thrill, and that I had spent a straight three days trying to kill myself. These are things I had never told anyone else. She started tearing up,and gave a me a long, warembrace. She said to me, “Anna, please don’t end your life. I mean it when I say that you are the most amazing, smart, beautiful, and effervescent person I have ever met. You make life worth living for me, and I know for some other people too. If you killed yourself I don’t know what I would do. I need you, and I love you more than anything.” To hear Quinn say that about me amazing. It felt so good to know that she really felt that way about me, and that I mattered. I just smiled, and she smiled back. Her face was extremely close to mine at that point. All of the sudden she looked up and we made intense eye contact. Out of no where, she kissed me. I had kissed other girls before, but none of them made me feel this way. When she was done, we were both shocked, but it felt good so we did it again. After the second kiss, she blurted out to me, “I’m gay, Anna.” We both smiled really big happy smiles,and I could tell that she was happy to get that out. When she told me that, we started to make out more, until we were both laying down in my bed with only our bras and underwear on. She stopped for a second and said “I love you so much, Anna. I really do.” I told her, “Quinn, I’ve always loved you.” We both know that sex was coming if we were both ready. She finally broke the ice. “Are you ready?” she said. I nodded, and immediately after, she started taking off my underwear as I did to her. At this point I was pretty much in a state of complete bliss. We were just fore-playing for a good ten minutes, and afterwards she started kissing my never and sucking on my nipples. It felt amazing. While she was doing that, she proceeded to finger me. She rubbed my vagina ever so gently, but still enough to give me a fantastic orgasm. After the feeling subsided, I told her it was my turn, and she smiled and kissed my a few more times. I then moved downward to her pussy and began to give her oral sex. It was a weird feeling, since I was very inexperienced at the time, but it felt good at the same time. She started to moan like I did when she was fingering me. She screamed “DON”T STOP!PLEASE DON”T STOP!” She was cumming so hard at this point, and the whole experience was amazing. She we were done, we just lie there in my bed for a while, just talking an kissing. She told me that she knew she loved me since last December when we were playing guitar and singing together on the beach, and serenaded her favorite song, “Anyone Else But You” by The Moldy Peaches. We worked out a duet for the song, and she said “just being with you at that moment made me realize that whenever I was with, felt happy. And I’ve only loved you more every day.” I remember the first time Quinn and I played that song together that day, and it is still one of my most treasured memories. I love Quinn so much, and every since that day we have been officially together, and so far it has been amazing. So many girls have played me and treated me badly, but Quinn respected me and respected herself at the same time. She always made sure I was happy like I did to her, and neither of us ever felt like we were being ignored. She is my whole world, and I know that it may not last, and I know that we are young, but for now, I have never been happier <3

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