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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Her Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

The first time for me was a long time arriving. I’d only really had one girlfriend before and whilst we’d made out and been quite intimate there hadn’t been any real sex. It had been a couple of years since we had split up and I’d been pretty desperate since – lots of masturbation! I hooked up with Rachael, who I was at the same school as me. We met in town during the day and she agreed to come back to mine – just to watch a video. My parents went to bed and we sat there watching the film. I was so naive I didn’t know that she was after something. Eventually and with a great surprise we started kissing and very quickly I had her top off and was kissing and sucking her nipples. As may parents were home nothing else happened. I walked her home at about 12:30 am. This carried on for a couple of weeks, sometimes in my bedroom, sometimes in hers. After a little discussion we decided that sex was okay, we were both virgins. I got hold of some condoms and was ready for it to say the least. She was very nervous. One afternoon with her parents out we got down to it. She took her trousers off and so did I and I put the condom on my raging erection. We were being far too clinical about it all, and she was very nervous indeed. As we were about to get to it her father came home and we stopped quickly. After that we carried on making out, but there was no sign of anything else. A couple of weeks later her parents were away and Rachael and I were at her house with another couple. She and her friend had been talking in the kitchen for sometime. We were all drinking when Rachael grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. She quickly pulled her clothes off. When I realised what was happening I unbuttoned my shirt and started to pull down my trousers. She grabbed a condom from a box next to her bed and helped me roll it down my cock. She pulled me towards her and without ceremony or foreplay we went at it. With the drink and the sense of urgency fueling me I went straight into her. It obviously hurt and I stopped moving, but she pulled at me to carry on. With her encouragement I carried on again, pumping quickly. I can only have lasted a few minutes and came. As I pulled off she stood and went to the bathroom with her robe around her. I didn’t know but she had also gone downstairs. As I lay there with my trousers round my ankles her friend stuck her head round the door and winked at me. The relationship only lasted a few more weeks and we did have sex a few times. She was never as into it as me, which didn’t help things move along well. We both ended up meeting other people at about the same time, but that drunken sex was just what we both needed. It got it out of the way and let us both get on with enjoying sex.

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