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Where it happened: In bed at a hotel
Langauge: English
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

My first fuck was disaster.I have just had my fuck, followed by five others. I was looking so forward to lossing my virginity to my boy friend because he is so nice to me, I wanted him to have my cherished possession. We planned to do it and we did it the way I wanted but when he broke me open I nearly died with the pain. I have read about it being painful and others say it didn’t hurt at all, I was hoping it wouldn’t.
I have masturbated for a few years but have not inserted anything into my vagina or used tampons because my mother says they will demolish my hymen and spoil my first night. I still enjoyed masturbating because you can get at your clitoris without have to put anything into yourself and my orgasms seem to be as good as other girls talk about.
We got all worked up and I was really ready for him, I opened up for him and his cock, which is about six inches long and just right in thickness for the length. I watched as he guided it toward my cunt and rested it against my lips which felt wonderful. He said he loved me and then he pushed and I lay back and relaxed and waited for the pleasure of his manhood going into me. He got his cock head in then then as he pushed it in a bit more I felt like he had put a hot poker into my cunt, I tensed up as I have never felt so much discomfort. I let out a gasp as the agony of him tearing me apart internally overwhelmed me. I started to sweat and the tears built up in my eyes and he realised something was wrong and he stopped and asked me what the matter was. I said you are tearing me apart, he wanted to stop but I said no it was as much his pleasure as mine. He went in really quickly and stopped when he was hard up inside me. The two of us lay there and I could feel the thickness of him stretching me and the fullness and the head of it pushing against something inside me, which actually was a pleasant feeling if only my cunt opening had not been on fire. I was bleeding which I thought may happen seeing my hymen had been intact and I knew I would bleed because of it. That didn’t bother me and I was happy it had happened for him as he knew he was the one who broke me open for the first time. I was prepared to endure the pain of it until he came inside me which we had agreed upon. I had begun taking contraceptive pills after my last period. I didnt want my first fuck to be with a condom, I wanted to feel the natural wonderful sensation of his cock against the walls of my vagina, not some rubber thing. I wanted him to get the full natural pleasure of being inside me too.
He worked himself off inside me which didn’t hurt, it was the inflammation just inside my vagina which was hurting, which I attributed to the tearing of my hymen. I was still bleeding and there was a pool of blood beneath me where it had run out of me onto the sheets. After he had come and pulled it out we were both a bloody mess. He was covered in it and it had saturated his pubic hair.
We lay together for ages and he was so kind and considerate, we were sleeping together that night and after we changed the sheet we slept most of the night after I cried myself to sleep.

This morning we woke and after I had done a pee, I looked at myself and everything looked like normal. I felt ok and I thought we could try again. This time we did it just like the first time and when he went in it felt so good, I was a little tender inside which I put down to him stretching me the first time but the pain or burning sensation inside my vagina didn’t happen. I was a bit tense when he first started to penetrate me but when it didn’t hurt I was all over him. I felt it go in and the further it went the better I loved it. When he got down a s far as he could we just rested and I just lay there feeling him deep up inside me, it was a wonderful feeling. Once we were both used to the feeling he started to fuck me properly and was I enjoying it. I have never enjoyed anything like it before it was wonderful, my whole body was excited and my nerve ends were tingling. He stopped and told me to get on top of him and when I did that it was even better, I could control the feeling around the entrance to my hole and my clitoris and I really got myself worked up on him. He loved me on top because my tits bounced and swung about as I fucked him and he thought that was heavenly and I bend down and let him suck on me while I massaged his cock.

We both climaxed within a few s of each other. He had got back onto me and I used my cunt muscles to bring us both to the top of our excitement and we were so loud in our excitement I thing everybody in the place knew we were cumming.

I have never been happier, we have done it six times today and it got better every time. I actually came on top of him and we did it standing up and dog fashion. I never realised that humans are of four animals who fuck face to face, most do it from behind, so I have been told.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience