My parents were going to be out of town for the weekend and ask a girl that lived down the street to stay with me. She was twenty and a junior in college. She had baby sit me when I was small and her parents were good friends with mine.
She was no beauty queen, she was a little overweight , but had big tits. Which is all young boys look at , at least me anyway. Anyway, it was a pretty boring evening and we were watching a movie that my parents had taped earlier that week. But when we got to the end of the tape it had some porno on it. I didn’t know what to do, I just sat there and watched for the thirty s it took her to remove the tape. She was wearing one of those long night shirts and I was in my PJ’s. She took the tape out and said, I bet your parents didnt know that was on there. Then she laughed and said…well, maybe they did. She ask if I had ever seen one of those before. I said no and she ask if I wanted to watch the rest of that one.
We sat there and watched it and I was getting a super little bonner and she was watching my crotch. After a while she reached over and touched my dick and pulled it out of my PJ’s. It took me about thirty s to cum. We did stuff all weekend and I finally got to fuck her but, like the first time it didnt last long. I never got to do anything with her again and I never got to thank her. So Martha, if you ever read this…Thank You.