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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: college
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Hi…this is rajesh, now i doing my final year in my engineering. incident actually happened two year back.
from my school days i am shy type person, so I hardly speak to girls, but it was 3 sem, where lab experiment where series, as we entered to our departmental paper, boys where also not familiar that time. so, accidentally I was asked to copy a lab note(which sir itself arranged) from a girl. I was given only one day time.
Next day as sir was absent I returned the notes to girl direct, which made me under go doubt session(discussion) with her regarding subject. the session lasted for about 30 min after college hours.

telling about her structure 34-24-36 , even during the doubt session I did not feel anything about her body. after reaching home my thoughts eventually dreamt of her boobs, which made my cock rock hard.
that night I cant control myself, I just masturbated thrice.

Next day, she herself came near me asked few doubt in theory subject, as I was strong in those. Few day, we started discussing after college hours.

One fine day, she just invited me to her home, which is 5 km from college. I told her I will come by week end, and she agreed too.
same time we exchanged number, we chatted hours together everyday.

The special day came, which I never expected that is going to happen. Sunday, I just cancelled my cricket plan and went to her house.

the door was closed but not locked, as I pushed it I could see mirror of her bed where she was sleeping in nit dress(briefs & trousers). Maid attended me and asked me to sit in hall, she just went inside to notify her that I cam.

Within few min she came, we started our discussion. Maid left the house as she completed her work. We both where alone. She her in nit dress, my cock in already pushing my JOCKEY.

She already note this, but did not notice her eye sight.
She asked me “IS your pant too tight” I said ” i am fine”
she replied I can uderstand your feeling” “I too of your age”.. okay..rajesh, “Have u seen a girl in nude- in real”
I know u people see in NET.”in real have u seen”

I realised her idea, I said “no”.
suddenly she removed her nighty asked do u wish me to continue????

I said shiveringly “yesss”

we both undressed our clothes , and moved to bed room,
We enjoy 20-25 kamasutra positions . and I returned as is was time for her parents to return.cont…

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience