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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: aunt's house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

About three years ago when I was 16, I went to stay with my cousin Tom on his folk’s farm for a couple weeks. The day after I got there, Tom was screwing around on the roof of the barn, fell off, and busted his leg real bad. Uncle Bill and aunt Sue took him to the hospital and they sent him to a bigger hospital for surgery to fix his leg. Aunt Sue came back to stay with me and do the chores till Tom could come home.
The first few days were hard. It was real hot and I wasn’t used to farm work. The third day After we fed the cows and did the milking it started pouring. We were inside eating lunch when the rain started. All of a sudden we noticed smoke coming out of the milk house, so we ran down to see what was wrong. A wire somehow shorted out on the pump and started a fire. We got it out and cut the power to the milk house. We got it fixed and turned the power back on and went back inside. Sue was soaked and went into her room and changed into dry clothes. When she came out she asked me why I was still wearing wet stuff. All my clothes were dirty and in the washer, so I had nothing to put on. She got me some of Tom’s clothes, but they didn’t fit. Tom is bigger around than me, and alot shorter. Finally she said “look, we’re adults, its okay if you strip and go naked until the clothes are out of the washer.”
I took everything off and ran into the bathroom to shower. I was towelling off when Sue said there was smoke coming out of the milk house again. I didn’t think about not having any clothes on, I just ran out with her and we put the fire out again and killed the power. We were standing outside the milk house when she reminded me that I was naked. I had forgot about it. I was embarrassed, but she said it was no big deal. She said I looked good naked. I still felt a bit weird, but I was enjoying her looking at me without my clothes on.
We went back inside and I went to shower, but because the power was off the pump didn’t run. Sue said to just take some soap outside and shower. I did.
When I came back in my cock was erect and I was embarrassed, but I wanted her to see me with a hard on. She came over and wrapped her hand around it and cupped my nuts in her other hand. She jacked me off and it felt great, but I was embarrassed. She said she knew how hard it is for boys my age, and told me she’d take care of me while I was there. We sat on the couch and watched tv and she played with my cock the whole time. She gave me a blow job before we went out to do the evening chores. After we were done, she stripped too and we showered outdoors in the rain. We went inside and fucked when we were done. For the next week until uncle Bill and Tom came home we both went naked all the time. We had sex several times a day, and we slept together and had sex at night. It was great. I haven’t had sex since I came home, but when they came out to visit, she managed to get alone with me and sucked me off again.

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