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Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: jail visit
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

i was 12 when I went to go visit my bff,s dad (we went together) we went to the cell and we were pulled in by a bunch of girls who then raped us my bfftryed to commet suicide the next day the girls were raped by one another my bff is now a strait a student and we r getting ready to get our brains cleeard of the rapeing in two days it will be like it never happened and my bffs dad got released from jail because it turns out that he was framed by one of the girls that raped us it was a whole plane just to have fuking rapeing sex with to strait 12 year old girls we are now both dateing wonderfull protective boyfriends nothing will ever destroy nthat so fuck u little rapers even thou u r now 98 and still in a strait jaget so ha ha ha ha

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